The Bottom Line: Being Others-Minded

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I meet with a group of guys each week.

We’re reading John Maxwell’s book—The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader.

One of the chapters we discussed yesterday was about how leaders are able to draw people to them.

Here are a few of the points…

1. Love Life.
People enjoy leaders who enjoy life. Think of the people you want to spend time with. How would you describe them? Grumpy? Bitter? Depressed? Of course not. They’re celebrators, not complainers. They’re passionate about life. If you want to attract people, you need to be like the people you enjoy being with.

2. Put a “10” on Every Person’s Head.
One of the best things you can do for people—which also attracts them to you—is to expect the best of them. I call it putting a “10” on everyone’s head. It helps others think more highly of themselves, at the same time, it also helps you. Benjamin Disraeli once said, “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” If you appreciate others, encourage them and help them reach their potential, they will love you for it.

3. Give People Hope.
If you can be the person who bestows the gift of hope on others, they will be attracted to you, and will be forever grateful.

4. Share Yourself.
People love leaders who share themselves and their life journeys. As you lead people, give of yourself. Share wisdom, resources, and even special occasions.

The bottom line is being others-minded.

As you talk to others, determine how much of the conversation is concentrated on yourself. Determine to tip the balance in favor of focusing on others.

The next time you meet someone for the first time, try your best to make a good impression. Learn the person’s name. Focus on his interests. Be positive. And most important, treat him as a “10.” If you can do this for a day, you can do it every day.

Make it your long-term goal to share your resources with others. Think about how you can add value to five people this year.

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

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