Trading Up
Sometimes we give up something for a period of time…
Things like certain foods, a specific meal, TV, Facebook, coffee, sugar, etc.
I think the real point isn’t so much about “giving up” but “trading up.”
It’s not just about going without—it’s about using that time for something of greater eternal significance.
Even Jesus fasted. He went out into the desert to go without food and other distractions.
He was tempted. The devil said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.”
But Jesus answered him by quoting Scripture: “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4.3, 4 NLT).
Jesus went without food and other distractions in order to concentrate fully on hearing from his Heavenly Father.
He was trading up.
In the month of October, I will be fasting Facebook and Twitter.
What a great trade! The time I’ve been wasting with online drivel will be invested in my relationship with God.
It’s a trade up.
As you consider what to fast (give up), be sure to also make a plan for how to invest that time for something of greater eternal significance (trade up).
It’s not just about giving up—it’s about trading up.
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