Equal But Different Roles Interpreted: Not Equal
There are these two big words used to describe how Christian people view men and women’s roles…
Complementarianism—this view believes that men and women are “equal” in the sight of God (equally loved, equally valuable), BUT have different roles – roles that are combined in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of the other. In this view, men are given the power status, and women serve.
Egalitarianism—this view believes that men and women, though different, should be viewed and treated as equals. This means mutual submission and an equal distribution of power.
In my opinion, adding the word “but” to a sentence usually erases what was said earlier. For example: “I love you, but…” See what I mean? Another example: “Equal but…”
“Equal but…” is just another version of Jim Crow.
When I saw this SNL parody commercial for Totino’s pizza rolls, I immediately thought of complementarianism’s claim of “equal but different roles.”

My vote is absolutely egalitarianism! I’m done with being an unequal servant. :O) Brian, thanks for standing for equality and recognizing women’s full humanity.