Inconvenience Me
Our pace of life and our sense of personal space / boundaries has made it nearly impossible for us to get involved with the needs of others.
Jesus was willing to be inconvenienced.
He paused.
He stopped.
He allowed interruptions to his schedule.
He fed, comforted, welcomed, healed and restored.
He lifted burdens.
If we don’t (pause, stop, allow interruptions to our schedules, comfort, welcome, heal, restore and lift burdens), we have wandered away from what Jesus is all about.
“Jesus arrived… ready for action. He went through the country helping people and healing everyone who was beaten down by the Devil. He was able to do this because God was with him.” (Acts 10.38 MSG)
About a year ago, I heard Paul Scanlon teach on being willing to be inconvenienced. That teaching has since been put into a book: The 15 Revolution.
The book is legit—you will love it.
I want all my friends to read it (which is why we purchased cases of them and are selling them for just $7).
Here are a few quotes from the book:
“The 15 Revolution is as simple – and as difficult – as being willing to give 15 minutes a day to be inconvenienced in order to help someone. It is being willing to give 15 minutes a day to be interrupted, distracted, diverted or delayed. 15 minutes to add value to someone else’s world.”
“It sounds simple, I know, but what makes it difficult is how ‘hard wired’ we are against being inconvenienced, interrupted or delayed.”
I’m not trying to offer some complex new theology or evangelistic concept. This is more about mobilization than theology. Because we are all selfish by nature, we do not default to helping others. So, without a revolution of some kind, that innate selfishness always wins in the end.”
“To slow down is anti-cultural.”
“The 15 Revolution sets out to reverse this trend, to make us more aware of the people in our immediate space and to provoke us to be the bringers of God’s life to the hurting world on our doorstep.”
“God is always willing to be inconvenienced to reach someone and so must we.”
“We are going to have to step outside of our routines, plans and agendas if we want to join the 15 Revolution and embrace inconvenience as our friend.”
I’m super excited for this new series at Fairwood Church.