Adventures in Prayer – Talk Like a Child
Prayer is simply talking with God.
It’s not reciting a script or repeating a mantra.
It’s honest and real.
It’s spoken in everyday language.
In prayer, there’s no need for Shakespearean language!
There’s no need to speak in Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic or Latin.
You don’t have to put on a southern accent or preacher’s voice when you talk to God (He hears you all the other times you speak – just use that same voice).
We’re His kids! Kids don’t come to their parents and use fancy language or unusual voices. In fact, parents are especially gifted at understanding and interpreting what THEIR kids are saying.
Here’s what it says in Romans:
(This life you received from God) is adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “what’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. (Romans 5.15-16 MSG).
God knows and loves the real you.
You’re His child.
He wants to hear from YOU.
We don’t have any reason to be shy.
Kids aren’t shy around their parents.
Our parents have seen us naked, changed our diapers, bandaged our wounds, caught us lying, wiped away our tears…
Parents know their kids, flaws and all, and still love them.
“Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.” (Ephesians 3.12 NLT).
Be bold.
Come to the Father confidently.
He’s inviting you into His presence…
Come on in and have a conversation with your Heavenly Father!