Posts by: Brian Dolleman

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

Good Ideas From Bad Individuals

In my tale of two grandmothers, I described my “bad” grandma…

My swearing-smoking-drinking-gambling grandmother was a constant, loving, generous, steady, faithful, and gracious presence in my life – until she died of lung cancer when I was 19 years old.

Life is interesting that way.

It’s far less black and white than we think. Our categories don’t always have the space for what is actually there. We want to use the labels “good” or “bad,” “sinner” or “saint,” but the truth usually is found in the AND…

We are simultaneously both good AND bad, sinner AND saint.

Paul the Apostle (who is credited with the taking Christianity to the world and writing more books of the New Testament than anyone else) acknowledged this “sinner AND saint” truth when he wrote,

This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all. —1 Timothy 1.15

I love that Paul didn’t say, “I WAS the worst of them all,” but chose instead to admit, “I AM the worst.”

Here we have the “worst sinner” writing the Bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit…

He’s both good and bad, sinner and saint.

And so are we.

The idea that we learn all the good things from good people and get all our bad ideas from bad individuals is… Read More

Bad Lessons From “Good” Sources

I had two grandmothers – one was “good” and the other was “bad.”

My “bad” grandmother didn’t go to church. She smoked—a lot. She drank, she swore, and she gambled.

My “good” grandmother was a member of her church. And she wasn’t a smoker, drinker, or gambler.

But here’s where it gets interesting…

My “good” Christian grandmother became angry… Read More

Fun & Free & Father’s Day Stuff Here For Ya

It’s Friday, so I have some fun & free & Father’s Day stuff here for ya…


#1. FREE BOOK—The Cause Within You by Matthew Barnett.

cause within you matthew barnett book

We recently had Pastor Matthew Barnett come speak at NWLife (here’s that message). Today you can win one of his books… all you have to do is comment below (scroll down to the bottom of this post to comment – say anything) and you will be automatically entered to win. A winner will be selected and announced on this post within 24 hours.


#2. VIDEO—Averagé, America’s Most Popular Clothing Line.

I’ve shared this video before, but with Father’s Day coming this weekend… Read More

Doing Great Things Without Becoming Darth Vader

Leadership—specifically Christian leadership—is a messy business. It’s messy because it’s never pure. The motive behind what we do is a mixture of Ego, Ambition, & Holy Calling. And there is this shadowy dark side that goes along with our leadership strengths – what I call the Underbelly of (Christian) Leadership.

Is it possible to do great things without abusing power, inflicting damage on others, becoming a control freak, or leading with a sense of entitlement (breaking rules to satisfy personal desires)?

Is it possible to do great things without becoming Darth Vader?

In my opinion, it’s not.

Let me clarify: If the goal is ME DOING GREAT THINGS, I will inevitably abuse power, inflict damage on others, become a control freak, and lead with a sense of entitlement. If it’s about me doing great things, I will become Darth Vader.

Not too many years ago, my goal was to someday have a church of 10,000 people. And my motive was a mixture of… Read More

The Underbelly Of (Christian) Leadership

Several years ago, I read the book “Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership” by Gary McIntosh and Samuel Rima. To be honest, the big idea of the book scandalized me. Basically it said,

You know that thing about you that you’re known for? The thing that makes you strong and effective? That gift, strength, or disposition you have that comes naturally to you—especially in your work? Yeah, well, it has an evil twin. For every strength you have, there is a shadowy dark side that goes with it.

Dang. Ouch. REALLY??!!!?!

This can’t be true about ME.

I guess it’s pretty easy to see this at play in others, but it’s not so fun to think about it in my own life.

For instance, it’s obvious to me that Jeff Lewis (from TV’s Flipping Out) has a strength in being… Read More

Ego, Ambition, & Holy Calling

Several years ago, I heard a well-known mega-church personality talk about the imperfect blend of motivations behind every Christian leader who has a platform and a microphone. He said,

“I’m a piece of work. All pastors are. Think about it. What makes me believe I should be standing here on this stage with a microphone in my hand telling all of you what to think and do? That’s pretty messed-up.”

I loved hearing him acknowledge the fact that our motivations are not 100% pure all the time. There is a constant mixture of ego, ambition, and holy calling that fuels our leadership endeavors.

This isn’t necessarily an evil thing.

I’m generally thankful for ambition. Ambition gets stuff done. And I appreciate some of what ego brings to the… Read More