Posts by: Brian Dolleman

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

The Fun & Free Friday Post

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Friday. That special time of the week…

Celebrating today with some fun & free stuff for ya. Enjoy!


#1. FREE BOOK—Pharisectomy: How To Joyfully Remove Your Inner Pharisee & Other Religiously Transmitted Diseases by Peter Haas.

This book is both funny and challenging. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#2. FREE BOOK—Bible Lessons From Our Pets by David Smith.

Love animals? This book is for you! It’s funny, entertaining, and even has some great spiritual insights. I contributed a story, The Case of the Missing Leash, and I’m not gonna lie… it’s hilarious. Also hilarious—the misspelling of my name in the book. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#3. FREE BOOK—Creating A Prodigal-Friendly Church by Jeff Lucas.

If you’ve ever wondered, “Why are we doing what we’re doing at NWLife?” this book will be of interest to you. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#4. VIDEO—Bill Dance Classic Bloopers.

This guy seems a little accident prone. I love it.

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#5. VIDEO—Tilt Shift Sydney.


#6. VIDEO—Credit Card Music.

Dave Ramsey would totally approve of this use of credit cards…

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#7. VIDEO—McDonald’s Photo Shoot.

You’ll get introduced to a “food stylist” in this video (as well as some strong Canadian accents).

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See you next Friday for more fun & free stuff!

Like this post? You should also check out:

Friday Fun & Free Stuff Archive



Your Yesterday Doesn’t Touch Your Tomorrow

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Picture three people standing side by side.

Left-to-right, those people are all you… Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Your Yesterday touches (affects, influences, determines) your Today.

Today you maybe be dealing with the costs and consequences of your Yesterday.

However, your Yesterday ONLY touches your Today.

Your Yesterday DOES NOT touch your Tomorrow.

Only your Today touches your Tomorrow.

What you do Today affects, influences, and determines your Tomorrow.

Your decisions Today will shape your Tomorrow.

What happened Yesterday will not control your Tomorrow—only Today can do that.

There is nothing in your your past—in your Yesterday, big enough or bad enough or strong enough to control your destiny—your Tomorrow.

Today is a new day.

And Today shapes your Tomorrow.

You have the opportunity Today to write a new chapter and take your story in a new direction.

Do it.


Don’t Remodel The Cocoon

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The cocoon phase of a caterpillar’s life seems a bit like a “belly of a whale” experience to me.

And by “coocoon phase” or time in the “belly of a whale,” I’m really talking about those uncomfortable seasons where we find ourselves in that “in between” spot….

Not where we used to be, and not where we’re going to be.

It’s a time of limits and waiting.

You ever been there?

I have.

Belly of a whale experiences ought to be transforming.

They indicate that change is necessary.

One chapter of life is closing so another can be written.

The old ways and the old me need to be put down—so the new ways and the new me can emerge.

Cocoon-like, or belly of a whale experiences, motivate us to dream again.

And we shouldn’t dream of a nicely remodeled or updated cocoon.

We should be thinking about what’s next and how it will be different.

The point isn’t to settle down and make a cozy life in the belly of a whale.

We need a larger perspective, a God-given vision and agenda for our lives.

We need to ask the question…

God, what do you want to do in my life?

“Can’t you see the central issue in all this? It is what God is doing, and he is creating something totally new…” (Galatians 6.15 MSG)

Don’t remodel the cocoon.

It’s time to write a new chapter.


It’s Friday… Fun & Free Stuff!


Yup, another Friday—time for some fun & free stuff…


#1. FREE BOOK—Accidental Pharisees by Larry Osborne.

Wow, this book is uh-may-zing. Serious. I hope you win it & read it. If you don’t win it, I hope you’ll run out & buy it. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#2. FREE BOOK—Love Does by Bob Goff.

This is currently my favorite book. I love the stories, adventure, & challenge to love God & do stuff. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment). Also—follow Bob Goff on Twitter. You’ll be glad you did.


#3. VIDEO—Invade The Parade Prank.

I love this. Totally my sense of humor here…

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#4. VIDEO—Slo Mo Slip N Slide.

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#5. VIDEO—Cool Chalk Drawings.


#6. VIDEO—Dragon Baby.

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See you next Friday for more fun & free stuff!

Like this post? You should also check out:

Friday Fun & Free Stuff Archive


Dream Again For Those Who Are Coming Up

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There is a generation coming up behind us—and we have the opportunity to set them up for success.

We can play a part in shaping their path for a better tomorrow…

Or we can load them down with our pain, frustration, cynicism, and sorrows.

In Tom Brokaw’s book, The Greatest Generation, he shares inspiring stories of the Builder Generation—but also communicates a less inspiring message: today’s generation just doesn’t have it.

We can’t go back—there’s no time machine.

We’re here. Today.

Maybe we need to dream again for those who are coming up. Perhaps we could build them up with our belief in them instead of loading them down with our critiques of them.

There’s a story in the Bible about Jacob and his family finally moving home after being away for many years. His wife Rachel, who was pregnant at the time, went into labor while they were traveling.

Rachel went into labor—hard, hard labor. When her labor pains were at their worst, the midwife said to her, “Don’t be afraid—you have another boy.” With her last breath, for she was now dying, she named him Ben Oni (Son-of-my-Pain), but his father named him Benjamin (Son-of-Good-Fortune). (Genesis 35.16-18 MSG)

Rachel was the love of Jacob’s life.

Jacob, in his loss, was grieving and in much pain.

Even though he could have resented his child for “causing” his wife’s death, he didn’t.

Even though he could have left the child with Rachel’s label, “Son-of-my-Pain,” he didn’t.

He renamed him Benjamin—Son of Good Fortune.

Jacob dreamed again…

Not just for himself, but for another—who was coming up behind him.

I wonder, will we be like Rachel or will we be like Jacob?

Will we label those who are coming up with our pain, frustration, cynicism, and sorrows?

Like Rachel, will we label the upcoming generation, “disappointing, lazy, selfish, stupid, and pain-causing”?

Or will we be like Jacob, calling those who are coming up, “sons and daughters of good fortune, our pride and joy, our hope for the future”?

I pray we will be like Jacob, and dream again for those who are coming up.



They Were Unwilling To Dream Again

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Jonah was unwilling to dream again—He didn’t want to see the world the way God did.

Jonah chose to hold on to his own old dream of the way things should be.

God’s plan carried on anyway…

An entire city received the grace of God.

And Jonah was angry.

He just couldn’t picture how any of this was good.

Over the past 5 years as the lead pastor at NWLife Church, many people have come and many people have gone.

Reflecting on those who left, there is an obvious trend…

They were unwilling to dream again.

They chose to hold on to an old dream of the way things should be.

Here are some of their reasons for leaving:

  • I want a King James only church.
  • I want a church that promotes homeschooling.
  • I want a church where no hats are allowed in the sanctuary.
  • I can’t deal with a pastor who wears jeans in church.
  • It’s not spiritual enough for me.
  • I don’t like the stage lights.
  • I want to twirl, dance, and shake during worship.
  • I want end-times prophecy teaching at least 1 out of 4 Sundays.
  • I want a church that gives solemn warnings about impending doom and God’s judgment of America.
  • I don’t like the music here / the music is too loud here.
  • I want a church that brings back the Jewish law.
  • I want a church that has a political agenda and passes petitions around.
  • I just can’t picture myself having a bald pastor.

Yup, someone actually told me, “I just can’t picture myself having a bald pastor”.

What were they really saying?

“I’m unwilling to dream again.”

I can’t help it that I’m bald. God made me that way.

I’m 100% convinced that it was God’s plan for us to come lead the church.

And I’m convinced God has a plan for our church and for our city.

We need people who are willing to dream again.

We need people who are willing to ask…

God, what do you want to do in my life?

God, what do you want to do in my city?

God, what do you want to do in my church?

Let’s be people who dream again.


Things To Do In The Belly Of A Whale: Dream Again

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When we find ourselves in an uncomfortable or difficult place, it’s time to dream again.

Jonah spent 3 days in the belly of a whale. Unfortunately, he emerged from the whale with the same world-view / vision / perspective he had when he was swallowed by the whale. His dislike for “those people” kept him from wanting to be part of God’s plan to deliver grace and salvation to them.

Rather than coming through his “belly of a whale” experience with a fresh perspective and a clear vision from God, Jonah saw the world the same old way.

Jonah didn’t see himself as privileged to be part of God’s dream for the city because Jonah was holding on to his own old dream of the way things should be.

Basically, in life, we can do things our way or God’s way.

Another Bible character, Moses, had a dream to see his people delivered from Egypt. He tried things his way—ended up killing a guy, and living in exile for 40 years.

Then God said (I’m paraphrasing), It’s time to dream again. Are you ready to be part of my dream for you and these people? Are you ready to do things my way?

Psalm 127.1 says, “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.”

I believe we could apply this concept to our dreams as well…

Unless the Lord gives the dream, the dreamer will constantly be frustrated.

Jonah held on to his old dream.

But it was time to dream again.

Maybe it’s time for us to dream again too, asking God…

What do you want to do in my life?

What do you want to do in my city?

What do you want to do in my church?

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us…” (Ephesians 3.20 MSG)

I believe it’s time to dream again.


Friday Fun And Free Stuff


Happy Friday! Here’s a lil’ something to make your Friday even better…


#1. FREE BOOK—Accidental Pharisees by Larry Osborne.

Wow, this book is uh-may-zing. Serious. I hope you win it & read it. If you don’t win it, I hope you’ll run out & buy it. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#2. FREE BOOK—Love Does by Bob Goff.

This is currently my favorite book. I love the stories, adventure, & challenge to love God & do stuff. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment). Also—follow Bob Goff on Twitter. You’ll be glad you did.


#3. VIDEO—Don’t Steal Hats.

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#4. VIDEO—The Power Of Quiet.

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#5. VIDEO—Sony Music Timeline.


#6. VIDEO—Ollie Over Bike.


#7. PICTURE—Shaved Llama.

Feeling Down? Here’s a picture of a shaved llama to cheer you up:


See you next Friday for more fun & free stuff!

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Friday Fun & Free Stuff Archive