Posts by: Brian Dolleman

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

Grace & Mr. Perlman


The concert hall was bustling with warm, pre-performance hubbub before the announcer spoke. “Ladies and gentlemen, kindly take your seats now; this evening’s performance will begin in two minutes.”

People glanced at their tickets and hurried to find their rows. They edged their way down the narrow line of seats to find, at last, their allotted places.

Miracles often come without warning or fanfare, and this was no exception. There was no hint that they would all be on the threshold of an experience that they would never forget—a moment to celebrate decades later.

The purposeful din of the orchestra’s tuning faded and the lights dimmed, hushing a thousand conversations. The audience was eager for the concert to begin, ready to savor the talents of Itzhak Perlman, arguably the world’s greatest violinist.

Perlman is usually the last person to take his place on stage, for though his fingers are staggeringly nimble, his legs don’t work nearly as well. He was struck with polio when he was just twelve, and now he struggles across the huge platform to take his seat, his stumbling, ungainly walk aided by crutches and leg braces.

At last, he sat down, removed both braces from his legs, and placed his violin beneath his chin. He was ready—and in more ways than one. Perlman’s brilliance is no fluke. He practices for nine hours daily. And for forty-five minutes before every concert, he is alone in his dressing room, with two security guards at the locked door. They have explicit instructions to let no one in under any circumstances. “Mr. Perlman has finished practicing. Now he is praying. Do not disturb.”

And pray he must. The concerto is considered one of the most important and difficult works in the violin repertoire. Its technical demands on the soloist are huge. Brahm’s Violin Concerto in D Major is simply “unplayable” according to one virtuoso. That miracle night, Perlman was set to perform this extraordinarily challenging piece that would last over six minutes.

A few seconds into the solo, the sound of a string breaking on Perlman’s violin ricocheted around the hall. The unwelcome twang was an uncouth intruder among a myriad of perfect notes. The orchestra immediately stopped playing, their music tapering off chaotically. The crowd gasped. Protocol permits a musician to call for a pause, allowing time for them to hurry off stage to replace the string. It’s quite impossible to play a complicated violin concerto a string short.

Impossible, that is, unless your name is Perlman. With a wave he signaled the orchestra to continue. And then the unthinkable happened.

Instantaneously transposing the music for three strings instead of four, Perlman delivered the piece flawlessly, his dancing fingers producing sounds of unprecedented purity and passion. Six minutes later, spent and soaked in sweat, he lowered his violin. The crowd sat in stunned silence for eight seconds. And then they rose as one to their feet, a wall of wild cheering and thunderous applause. The orchestra joined in, banging their instruments in homage and shouting themselves hoarse. Perlman called for a microphone, motioned for silence, and then the man with two busted legs and one busted string spoke:

“All my life, it has been my mission to make music from that which remains.”

His brilliance was expressed through something broken. The shattered string, which could have stopped the music, only served to accentuate Perlman’s staggering talent. Greater glory came because the melody-maker used a temporarily useless instrument.

And that is precisely what God has always done with us, creating beautiful music through broken people. How desperately the world needs to hear the charming sound that is grace. There’s no shortage of harsh noise on this planet, but rather a famine of real music.

There is yet beautiful music to be heard in the universe. God longs for the joyous melody of his love to be heard, true music to the ear for those who have ears to hear it.

Though all of us need to hear this song, prodigals desperately need to hear it.

The prodigal-friendly church will be one with a compassionate heart that weeps for the prodigals. It will be a brave people willing to be instruments for music that is “unplayable”—unless the Lord plays it through them.

Most of all, it will be a church filled with ordinary, “three-stringed” people. Not a Stradivarius in sight, for God only uses the ordinary; nothing else is available. Tarnished trumpets. Big, fat double basses, varnish scratched, a tuning peg or two out of line. Strings encased in rust, brittle to the touch. A dented timpani that “boings” when a “bong” is expected. A flute that squeaks and drips spit. Cymbals that sometimes “zing” rather than “clang”.

He uses what he has, what remains. That would be us.

Through this motley assortment of dusty, junk shop castoffs, our God, the ultimate composer and musician, can transpose the music once more.

If you are a follower of Jesus, your place is not in the audience, waiting for someone else to play: the prodigal-friendly church will not come about because some leaders and pastors decide that it should be so. Rather, as each of us offer ourselves afresh as part of the orchestra, the dream of harmonious music making becomes a reality.

from Creating A Prodigal-Friendly Church, by Jeff Lucas.



PB Mini-Bytes: Doody

Yes, doody is the subject of this episode of PB Mini-Bytes. OK, well, really it’s about being creative & unique—but also practical & meeting real needs. Inspired by an actual company called “Disciples on Doody”. Listen & enjoy!



Discover Your Function

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In manufacturing terms, function is defined as, “the action or actions that a part is designed to perform.”

Although you weren’t exactly manufactured, you were created by God.

In fact, as believers, we have been re-created by God (Ephesians 2.10), and He has plans for us.

You have been fashioned by God to function—to participate in a living body (the church) that is defined by action.

You weren’t made to be a spectator or an observer.

You were designed for active participation.

“I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and FUNCTIONING together.” (1 Corinthians 12.14 MSG)

God has us right where He wants us and He has plans for us to function (serve) together.

Each part of the body has a function—a part to play.

Scripture reminds us, “If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?” (1 Corinthians 12.17 NLT)

Notice, each part of the body implied or described in this verse is intrinsically linked to an action.

The eye is seeing.

The ear is hearing.

The nose is smelling…

And one part cannot take over another part’s function (the eye won’t be hearing, the ear won’t be smelling).

The body depends on each part to actively participate—to function.

Have you discovered your God-given function in the church?

Are you aware that the rest of the body depends on you?

If you haven’t already, it’s time to discover your function.

In the church (and in the world), you weren’t made to merely show up.

You were created by God with action in mind.

You are part of the body of Christ (the church), and you have a function that energizes, sustains, and brings joy to both you and the body.

Your function is essential.

We (the church) need YOU…

And we need the active, participating, functioning you—in the body.

Discover Your Fit

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In manufacturing terms, fit is defined as, “the ability of a part to physically interface with, connect to, or become an integral part of another.”

You weren’t exactly manufactured, but you were created by God.

In fact, as believers, we have been re-created by God (Ephesians 2.10), and He has plans for us.

You have been fashioned by God to fit—to belong, interface with, connect to, and become an integral part of the body of Christ (the church).

Maybe it hasn’t seemed clear or obvious to you yet… but you need to know: God made you to fit.

“We see that God has carefully placed each part of the body right where he wanted it.” (1 Corinthians 12.18 MSG)

So, the Bible makes it clear—God has us right where He wants us.

We fit, we belong, and we are placed with purpose in the body.

Have you discovered your fit yet?

Are you aware of your God-purpose in the church?

Have you discovered how you’re connected?

Are you aware that you’re an integral part of the whole?

Are you interfacing with others?

If you haven’t already, it’s time to discover your fit.

You were created by God to interface with, connect to, and become an integral part others within the church.

In the church (and in the world), you weren’t made to be isolated, independent, or alone.

You are part of the body of Christ (the church), and you have a fit that brings life to you and to the body.

Your fit is unique and significant.

We (the church) need YOU—and we need you connected.

“I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together.” (1 Corinthians 12.14 MSG)

Discover Your Form

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In manufacturing terms, form is defined as, “the shape, size, dimensions, mass, weight, and other visual parameters that uniquely distinguish a part.”

You weren’t exactly manufactured, but you were created by God.

In fact, as believers, we have been re-created by God…

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew (re-created) in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2.10 NLT)

You have a unique, God-given shape (or form) that distinguishes you.

I’m not talking about the shape or size of your nose or other facial features. I’m talking about something else…

“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. Yes, the body has many different (unique) parts, not just one part.” (1 Corinthians 12.12 & 14 NLT)

So, I’m talking about YOU in the body of Christ—the church.

Have you discovered your form yet?

Do you know what your unique, God-given shape is?

Have you discovered your strengths, abilities, talents, and God-given gifts?

Are you living with a clear sense of “this is why I am here”?

If you haven’t already, it’s time to discover your form.

You were created by God to stand out, to be distinct, different and unique.

In the church (and in the world), you weren’t made to blend in or be indistinguishable.

You are part of the body of Christ—the church, and you have a form (shape) that uniquely distinguishes you.

Your form is unique and significant.

We (the church) need YOU—the real you, the uniquely-shaped you.

“I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together.” (1 Corinthians 12.14 MSG)


Why You Need More

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You need more because others depend on you.

Just enough for you isn’t enough.

Survival isn’t the point.

Making it through another week isn’t the goal.

You need more than enough because others receive the overflow.

“Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.” (Ephesians 6.18 MSG)

There are some who are falling behind. Others are dropping out… And they’re our responsibility.

Your relationship with God should make a difference in the lives of those who are hurting, doubting, and struggling.

“A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” (Ephesians 6.10 NLT)

Be strong in the Lord: Average isn’t the goal—just enough for you isn’t enough.

You need more.

A song we used to sing in church says,

“So blessed, I can’t contain it—so much, I’ve got to give it away.
Your love taught me to live now—you are more than enough for me.”

More than enough…

My prayer is that there will be more than enough in your life today.

Even More Stupid Things

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Even more “Stupid Things You Used To Think” in today’s post…

Recently, I shared some stupid things I used to think (

On Sunday, I told the church, “When you’re bored listening to my sermon, just write down some stupid things you used to think on your Connect Card.”

You guessed it—there were a few “Stupid Things” shared. I posted a few the other day (

And, here are even more stupid things (you used to think):

“I used to think football players had really big chests and shoulders naturally (I didn’t know they were wearing pads).”

“I used to think the big power line towers were monsters that came to life at night and followed you.”

“I used to think ‘Don’t Drink And Drive’ applied to all liquids. I’d cry if someone drank a soda in our car.”

“I used to think that moon boots helped you go around “on the moon—but, no, they are just ugly boots.”

“I used to think if you kicked a rock as you walked down the street it would get separated and lost from its family.”

“I used to think if I untied my belly button, my butt would fall off.”

“I used to think neighbor was pronounced neighvor.”

“I used to think I would meet Nick Jonas at one of his concerts and he would fall madly in love with me at first sight. I used to think I would marry him.”

“I used to think stuffed animals would come to life when I wasn’t paying attention. I still do.”

“I used to think that when I was bad, God put a bad mark in my book—and if I had too many marks, God wouldn’t let me into heaven.”

“I used to think my mom was too old to understand.”

“I used to think a turtleneck with a t-shirt over the top was really cool.”

“I used to think I was only smart, funny, and cool if I was drunk.”

“I used to think if you ate a watermelon seed, you would grow a watermelon tree inside your body.”

“I used to think cats were female and dogs were male.”

“I used to think that serial killers were killers who murdered people through breakfast cereal.”

“I used to think Head & Shoulders shampoo was meant to be used not just in hair but also on your shoulders.”

“I used to think the sun never shines in Seattle.”

“I used to think Gene Juarez was just some girl.”

Blessed Relationships—8 TO DOs

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The book of Ephesians is full of this message: God blesses us.

Yes, we have a blessed life.

God is doing his part.

We need to do ours.

I think everybody wants blessed relationships, right?

The question we need to be asking ourselves is…

“Will I do my part—so that my relationships truly are blessed?”

Here are 8 relationship “to-dos” from Ephesians chapters 5 and 6 that describe our part:

1. Imitate God.

2. Live a life filled with love.

3. Submit.

4. Love.

5. Respect.

6. Honor.

7. Do not provoke.

8. Serve.