Category "Video"

Fun & Fascinating. Because Friday.

- - Fun / Humor, Video

My daughter has been complaining about the lack of “Fun Friday” posts, so… this is for her. Maybe you’ll like it too.


1. VIDEO—Confusing Question of the Day.

Jimmy Kimmel’s team went out on the street asking people this question: “In light of the recent stock market crash, Donald Trump has vowed to build a wall around Wiz Khalifa to protect Americans from anchor babies. Despite the Iranian nuclear deal, do you also support his proposal’s plan to lower taxes, giving way to newer, better emojis even if it thwarts Harry Styles’ efforts abroad?” That question doesn’t make any sense at all, but that didn’t stop people from… Read More

Homeless People Matter?

- - Life With God, Video

I have a confession to make: I don’t know much about homelessness.

The truth is, I can tell you a lot more about suburban, middle-class life – based on my own personal experience… things like where the closest Trader Joe’s is and how annoying Comcast is (did you hear the latest from Apple – how they’re going to offer web TV service this Fall?).

Do you need to know where to find an honest, reasonably-priced mechanic for your car? I can tell you about that.

Do you want an opinion on MOD Pizza? I definitely have one to share with you.

But when it comes to homelessness, I only “know” what I’ve heard… and that’s pretty much all a bunch of second-hand, questionable information. For example, I’ve heard about the guy who walked around the corner from the intersection where he’d been holding up a cardboard sign – and unlocked his Mercedes and drove off. And I’ve heard about how much money panhandlers make – “more than if they held down a real job.”

This second-hand information is sticky and makes an impression, but I wonder if it’s any more reliable than Anthony Crispino’s reporting on Saturday Night Live.

anthony crispino picture for post

Anthony Crispino is… Read More

Stone Catchers

Bryan Stevenson is a human rights lawyer and author – his book Just Mercy is a NY Times Bestseller. The following is from a 2012 interview with Chris Hedges for Smithsonian Magazine:

bryan stevenson post

Stevenson turns frequently to the Bible. He quotes to me from the Gospel of John, where Jesus says of the woman who committed adultery: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

He tells me an elderly black woman once called him a “stone catcher.”

“There is no such thing as being a Christian and… Read More

Some Funny Things & Something Free (It Must Be Friday)

Happy Friday! I have a few funny / interesting videos to share with you… and something free to give away.



If you like winning, just write something in the comment section below to enter your name in the drawing for a brand-new, signed book by yours truly.

1. VIDEO—Human Balloon.

Listening to and watching the laughing friend in this video is funnier than… Read More

That Beautiful Song’s Backstory

At NWLife, we’ve been singing Bethel Music’s beautiful remix of the classic hymn It Is Well.

Having grown up in the church, I heard the backstory on this song a number of times – but as we’ve been singing this newer version, I realize many, if not most, of my NWLife church family don’t know the story.

Here is the story behind… Read More