Posts Tagged: "Disneyland"

Lighten Up

It’s probably because I’m around Christians so often…

I keep getting the sense that y’all need to lighten up—so here are some videos to make you smile or grin or laugh or giggle (and I hope you do). Also, at the bottom of this post there’s a chance for you to win something cool. Ready? Let’s go!


1. VIDEO—Hashtags on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon #AwkwardBreakUp.

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2. VIDEO—Things You Can’t do When You’re Not a Toddler with… Read More


Here is a sneak peek at chapter 3 of the book I wrote this summer (hopefully coming soon)…

White knuckle ride, I’m on it. It’s not so easy to control, pressure. It’s not so easy to control, pressure. There’s no easy way to make it better. —Jamiroquai (White Knuckle Ride)

Then wolves will live in peace with lambs, and leopards will lie down to rest with goats. Calves, lions, and young bulls will eat together, and a little child will lead them. —Isaiah (Isaiah 11.6 NCV)


I’m not much of a thrill-seeker; I’m no adrenaline junkie. In fact, there are more theme park rides that I won’t go on than I will. I have rules for this… Read More