Posts Tagged: "Greg Boyd"

Racism: Why Whites Have Trouble “Getting It”

- - Life With God

by Greg Boyd

Greg is an internationally recognized theologian, preacher, teacher, apologist, and author. He has been featured in the New York Times and on The Charlie Rose Show, CNN, National Public Radio, the BBC, and numerous other television and radio venues. This article was originally published on the ReKnew website in January, 2007.

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I’m a member of a special task group on racial reconciliation that consists of a dozen or so pastors from around the Twin Cities. We’ve been meeting periodically for the past year or so in order to strategize how to help the Church of the Twin Cities as a whole move forward in racial reconciliation. The other day we were discussing what we thought was the main obstacle(s) to the Church becoming a reconciled, diverse, community—one that manifests the truth that Jesus died to “tear down the walls of hostility” between people groups (Eph 2:14-15). I shared with the group my conviction, which is that the main obstacle to reconciliation in the Church in America is that the majority of white people don’t “get it.” What’s worse, the majority of what people don’t know that they don’t “get it.”

Worst of all, the majority of white people don’t really know that there’s anything to “get.”

Most white people I know sincerely believe they live in a country that is, for the most part, a land of… Read More

If You Haven’t Already, You Should

Here are the highlights of what I read / saw / watched online this week. If you haven’t already clicked on these, you should…


greg boyd post

This post, The Cruciform Way Of The Lamb, by Greg Boyd. Greg is a brilliant theologian and communicator. His book, The Myth of a Christian Nation is one of the most challenging ones I’ve read in the past 5 years. In this post’s video, Greg offers insight… Read More

The Christian Label On People & Places & Things

In my years of growing up in my church’s youth ministry, I heard this question repeatedly, “Is it Christian?”

It was asked about cassette tapes and then CD’s.

It was asked about video games.

It was asked about movies.

It was asked about roller skating rinks.

If whatever we were evaluating did have the label “Christian” on it, then the green light of acceptability was given and we could enjoy the thing.

If it wasn’t “Christian,” it probably wasn’t going to be acceptable… Read More