Posts Tagged: "misfits"

See the Beauty

Each year, we put on a huge party for our community—the annual Halloween Kid’s Carnival.

There’s a big circus tent, food trucks, music, inflatables, prizes, carnival games… and tons of candy.

Two hundred volunteers serve. About three thousand people attend.

It’s one of our biggest outreach events of the year.

I spend part my time at the carnival standing at the entrance—greeting families as they come in.

It’s fun seeing all the kids and their costumes.

There are bumblebees and ladybugs, Spidermans and Ironmans, princesses and cowboys, and Elsa and Olaf from Frozen…

And there are also zombies, monsters, werewolves, and other creepy-looking costumes.

My natural instinct is to… Read More

Didn’t Have To Run

Yesterday, my wife was asking me about my younger years of rebellion—my “prodigal son” days. She wondered how far away from God I felt like I was back then…

Did you believe you had run away from God? Did you see yourself as truly on the outside, no longer part of the family of God?

It didn’t take me long to answer. Yes, I did.

Back then, I didn’t have such a generous view of the family of God.

What I understood from the teaching of the church at that time was clear: Do those things, and you are not part of us. More specifically, do those things, and you are not part of Him… Read More

Blessed By The Misfits

Two years ago, I did a series at my church called “Misfit Magnet.” It was all about the kind of people Jesus attracted. And, of course, the series referenced the Island of Misfit Toys from the classic Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer TV special.

From time to time, we need to be reminded to suspend judgement and just love people. We have a tendency to surround ourselves with a homogenized group of people who think, believe, look, act, and smell like us.

Here’s a little different take on the subject of misfits… Read More

Able To See Beautiful Treasure

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I have a thing for old German cars – Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes Benz…

Any car from these automakers between 1960-1969 is of interest to me.

I know a little bit about how much they’re worth when they have been restored, but my interest in these vehicles isn’t for business. I don’t care about making money on cars. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve only ever lost money on cars (so don’t come to me for advice on buying or selling cars).

One person might see a nasty old rust bucket of a car sitting on someone’s lawn… but I see a treasure.

I’m drawn to it.

I like it.

And I actually think it’s beautiful—even in its not-yet restored condition.

To me, it’s a treasure.

I realize I’m kinda weird about the old German car thing and I’m not gonna convince anyone else to see these quirky cars as treasures (I’ve been trying to convince my family for 25 years now and haven’t won over a single convert).

While I don’t really care if you see old Audis as beautiful treasures, I do care how you see people.

It’s not that I want you to see people my way, I want us to see people God’s way.

How does God see people? As beautiful treasure.

He sees beauty, value, significance, and worth.

Even before “restoration” He thinks we’re beautiful.

He is drawn to people.

He likes us.

For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. —Colossians 1.13, 14

When Jesus walked the earth, he never looked past or ignored the misfits. He saw their beauty, value, and significance… He saw the person. He was drawn to them—and they were drawn to Him.

Don’t believe me? Check out Luke chapter 5.

There, you’ll read a story about a man with an “advanced” case of leprosy.

That dude probably looked like something between a zombie and a mummy…

And while others looked away, Jesus saw him.

He spoke to him. He even touched him, and healed the man—because Jesus saw beautiful treasure.

Ultimately, this is why He willingly went to the cross.

That’s what you must understand about God. His treasure is us.

And we need to see people—all people—the way God does.