Posts Tagged: "prayer"

Our Fourth Campfire Service

Here’s the video of our fourth Sunday Campfire Service from last Sunday. It is hosted by me and Shari and it includes Scripture readings, prayer, and worship led by Pastor Kyle.

Pastor Andy continues our mini-series… a pandemic remix of the story of Jonah: Things to do in the Belly of a Whale.

The message is funny, relatable, and applicable. It’s definitely worth your time.

If you missed this service or are unable to attend these outdoor services because of COVID-19 or for any other reason, we’d love to have you join us online!

PS—tonight’s service is at 6:30pm on the east lawn and there is room for you. BYOC (bring your own chair) and be sure to wear a face mask. Please RSVP at:

Click here for a PDF of the Worship Guide: worship guide sunday campfire service Aug 23

The Difference Between Being Motivated By Power And Being Motivated By Love

The church has never done well when it was latched onto power. The church has always done better when it was on the margins. —Dr. Joseph B. Modica

I suppose it would be a colossal understatement to say there is a lot of hierarchy in church.

With all the titles and positions, posturing and power-grabbing, manipulating and controlling, and the ever-present sense that we are not enough—we need to be given advice, we need to fall in line (and if we don’t we can expect some form of dismissal, disapproval, excommunication, shunning, etc.), it’s no wonder people say they don’t… Read More

Lent Day 35… Listening To God Is Far More Important Than Giving Him Our Ideas

Why is it that when we speak to God we are said to be praying but when God speaks to us we are said to be schizophrenic? —Lily Tomlin

I’ll admit it: whenever someone begins a sentence with, “God told me…” alarm bells go off in my head. It’s not that I don’t believe God speaks to people. I do believe. It’s just that I also know how easily we twist, manipulate, and hear only what we want to hear.

And yet, I wonder why we think of prayer as this one-way exchange where we give God our lists and then say “Amen,” as if to finalize the whole thing. Maybe we should be listening. Maybe we should be waiting.

The trouble with nearly everybody who prays is that he says “Amen” and runs away before God has a chance to reply. Listening to God is far more important than giving Him our ideas. —Frank Laubach


If You Listen You Will Hear

Behold the One who can’t take his eyes off you. Marinate in the vastness of that. —Father Greg Boyle

Our world is a noisy place. Especially right now it seems.

There are so many voices clamoring for our attention.

But there is a voice that matters most. And if you listen, you will hear…

Henri Nouwen said:

Many voices ask for our attention. There is a voice that says, “Prove that you are… Read More

When We Are As Confused As Aunt Bethany

I do realize the statement I’m about to make is a divisive one – some will cheer me on while others will boo, hiss, or even call into question my salvation. What is this bold claim?

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is a great film.

In fact, I have so many “favorite scenes” in this movie, to describe them all to you would end up being me paraphrasing the whole thing from start to finish. I trust you’ll do what’s right and watch it yourself.

But I will share just one of my favorite scenes with you…

It’s where the big-crazy-extended-family is… Read More

I Wouldn’t Even Mind If You Read These Three Posts (They’re Not Mine)

I wouldn’t even mind if you read these three posts (they’re not mind). Actually, I’d love for you to read them. And I kinda think you will love reading them. Um, what are you waiting for???!!?!


benjamin coreyThis post, A Few Things I’ve Learned As A Christian Outsider, by Benjamin Corey. Here’s a brief sample: “Theological labels have a way of making us crazy– we allow them to define us, give us identity, give our lives meaning, and all kind of other things that ultimately take the place I’ve learned only Jesus can fill.”

A Challenge & A Prayer For Us From Paul Scanlon

In the final service of the day (on Sunday, May 18th) Paul Scanlon concluded his message with a challenge and a prayer for us…


That little 1% that makes you different from everyone else is what society and education is not good at helping you find – because there is comfort in safety and sameness.

But you’re not on the planet for your sameness, you’re on the planet for your difference.

It’s your difference, it’s this church’s difference, that is why… Read More

Why You Need To Get Saved From Your Religion

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It’s pretty easy to understand why someone who appears to be making a big fat mess of their life needs to “get saved.” We naturally think, “That drug-addicted, pathologically-lying, spouse-abusing, kleptomaniac needs Jesus.”

On the other hand, if we were to ask why an upstanding, moral, law-abiding, church-going, honest, virtuous, and highly respected individual needs a new life, we would hear…


A brand new life? Why? What’s wrong with this one?

I mean, really, what does he need that he doesn’t already have?

Nicodemus was the opposite of a lying, stealing, wife-beating, druggie.

He was a good man. A really good man.

And Jesus told Nicodemus,

Unless a person is born from above, it’s not possible to see what I’m pointing to—to God’s Kingdom. (John 3.3 MSG)

Apparently Jesus wasn’t impressed with the life Nicodemus had.

Jesus, much to the shock of everyone, tells Nicodemus,

You need to get saved. You don’t even know what the Kingdom is. You’ll never see it until you are re-born—born from above, into a brand new life.

Awkward tension.

I bet it was a serious “cricket” moment.

Nicodemus had to be thinking, “But I go to church without fail. I serve. I give. I don’t have any bad habits. I follow the rules. I read the Bible. I pray…”

A brand new life? Why? What’s wrong with this one?

Maybe this helps:

Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness… “Two men went to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. The pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: ‘I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else. For I don’t cheat, I don’t sin, and I don’t commit adultery. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.’ But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed… saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’ I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God.” (Luke 18.9-14 NLT)

Did you notice how many times the Pharisee said “I”?

That’s exactly what religion does. It focuses on the “I”.

I go to church. I serve. I give. I don’t have bad habits. I follow the rules. I read the Bible. I pray.

And “I” become the hero of my story.


We can have confidence in our side of the equation (grew up knowing God, going to church, doing the right things, reading my Bible, praying, tithing, obeying, never straying, etc.) and yet we are STILL like Nicodemus.

Nicodemus wasn’t a bad dude. He was the best of the best, a well-known and respected religious leader. And Jesus told him he needed a new life. Our side of the equation (our effort and careful observance of the rules) isn’t enough.

I like what Tim Keller says, “The Gospel is news of what God has done to reach us. It is not advice about what we must do to reach God.”

I think this is where we have new life – that place where we realize “I don’t reach God.”

God made all the moves.

He is the hero of my story, not me.

My identity isn’t about my doings any more; now my identity comes from what He has done.

Yes, the drug-addicted, pathologically lying, spouse-abusing, kleptomaniac needs to get saved. And yes, the upstanding, moral, law-abiding, church-going, honest, virtuous, and highly respected individual needs to get saved from their religion…

Their religion that keeps “I” at the center.

Their religion that forms an identity through all the things “I” do right.

The religious need a brand new life exactly as much as the big fat mess-of-a-life people do.

We all need to be saved from our selves, into a new life—one that is completely based on The Hero and His work.


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