I Dated Some Girl Named Dawn
When I was in high school, I dated some girl named Dawn…
For a week.
I don’t remember her last name. In fact, the only things I remember about her are: she had brown hair, she listened to metal, and she lived in Lakeridge.
That’s it—that’s all I know.
Obviously, this wasn’t a life-changing romance.
I added nothing to her life and she added nothing to mine.
My parents never met Dawn. In fact, I don’t think they even knew about her.
We spent some time hanging out together for a week and then we both moved on.
No deep commitments. Nothing shared. Nothing invested.
And no tears shed when it was over.
What I’ve just described to you is HOW MANY PEOPLE RELATE WITH THE CHURCH…
They have brief experiences, encounters, visits, and relationships with various churches.
They spend some time together for a brief period before moving on.
No deep commitments. Nothing shared. Nothing invested.
And no tears shed when it’s over.
All that remains is a distant memory.
On the other end of the spectrum, I’ve always been thankful for the example of my parents…
They were high school sweethearts and they got married young.
They’ve been married now for over 40 years.
Yes, my mom and dad are still “in love,” but all these years, they have remained faithfully committed to each other regardless of feelings or emotions. This brought much strength, security, and stability to our family. All through my growing up years, I knew that I belonged—I had a family, a refuge, a safe place, a home.
Maybe that kind of faithfulness and commitment is considered Old School today.
Old School or not, I don’t care…
It’s a hit and I want to take it forward with me.
I want my daughter to know she belongs—that she has a family, a refuge, a safe place, a home.
I want her to see her parents both “in love” and faithfully committed to each other.
Just one more thing about my parents and their Old School ways…
They still go to the same church I grew up in.
They love their church—and they are still faithfully committed to it.
They’re not just there to get something; my parents are there to serve and build and give.
Maybe that kind of faithfulness and commitment to one church is considered Old School today.
Old School or not, I don’t care…
It’s a hit and I want to take it forward with me.
I don’t want some kind of “Dawn” relationship with the church. This isn’t a “What’s in it for me?” type of fling.
I’m here because I love God’s House AND I will remain faithfully committed to it.
Faithfulness is a hit. Let’s bring it forward with us.
So sweet!
Glad you moved on from Dawn to a life long romance with me.
I love Shari’s response! You two are such great leaders for the church! You go out of your way to make us feel accepted! I would have to say that it is hard for us as a couple at this point to make any real friendships in the church. We have joined the weekly Bible studies, Matt plays in the band and I hope to continue to serve and volunteer with the coffee bar. We love your teaching and really want to plug in, but for some reason it is hard for us to make friends! Which is weird since both of us came from places where we had lots of friends. I feel we are doing something wrong. Just my ramblings about not wanting to have a “Dawn” relationship with the church!
Thank you Mary.
I do think those relationships take time. Don’t give up. I think you’re doing the right things… serving with people is the best (in my opinion) way to develop connections & friendships.
Sometimes our “season of life” impacts the speed at which we develop friendships. There’s something about that transition from being a young adult to a working professional &/or becoming parents that seems to shift peoples’ focus more inward. Now I’m rambling…
All that to say, keep doing what you’re doing, be patient, & don’t give up!