Some Funny Things & Something Free (It Must Be Friday)
Happy Friday! I have a few funny / interesting videos to share with you… and something free to give away.
If you like winning, just write something in the comment section below to enter your name in the drawing for a brand-new, signed book by yours truly.
1. VIDEO—Human Balloon.
Listening to and watching the laughing friend in this video is funnier than balloon man.

2. VIDEO—Over-burdened Donkey.
Again, the sound effects funnier than the actual video.

3. VIDEO—Why Chihuahuas Don’t Run in the Snow.
No chihuahuas were harmed in the making of this video.

4. VIDEO—Wrecking Ball Piñata.
I want this for my next birthday party please.

Got any funny or interesting videos to share?
The pinata one looks the best I think it would feel awesome to smash things while zip lining
Here ya go – my funny video of the week:
Haha! Funny.