Posts by: Brian Dolleman

I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

What Not To Wear

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Do the names Stacey London and Clinton Kelly sound familiar to you?

They’re the hosts of The Learning Channel’s “What Not To Wear.”

Approaching its 10th season with over 300+ episodes, it’s a fashion makeover reality TV show.

Apparently there has been no shortage of candidates needing a fashion intervention.

Each show begins with Stacey and Clinton appearing on location for a surprise attack on the unsuspecting, chronic fashion offender (whose family and friends ever so lovingly nominated them for the show).

After this initial public humiliation and promise of a $5,000 shopping spree for new clothing, they bring the offender and her wardrobe to New York for a critical evaluation.

As they go through the fashion faux pas wardrobe, they toss every item of clothing that breaks their rules of fashion.

Watching this happen makes you feel sad for the individual…

Sad because the whole process seems rather cruel and humiliating.

Sad because you see how oblivious the person is to what they’ve been looking like.

Sad because you see the sense of loss she feels as they throw away her favorite clothing.

Of course, redemption comes at the end of the show.

The newly made-over fashion offender emerges with a new hairstyle and makeup, and a brand-new wardrobe that meets Stacey and Clinton’s fashion rules. What’s particularly redemptive about the makeover “reveal” is how the individual radiates with a new-found sense of confidence and joy—almost as if she discovered her true self in the process.

TLC’s “What Not To Wear” reminds me of a metaphor the Bible uses…

Now you’re dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item of your new way of life is custom-made by the Creator, with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete. —Colossians 3.12 MSG

Our old way of living, before we received Christ, is the old wardrobe.

It’s out-of-date, out-of-fashion, obsolete, it no longer fits, and it needs to be thrown out.

Sometimes, we resist letting go of the old look.

We’ve grown attached to it and we struggle to picture ourselves looking differently.

But God has something redemptive in store for us. Our job is to simply trust Him.

We’ve been GIVEN a new wardrobe—custom made by our Creator, with his label on it.

In this new wardrobe, we radiate. We look as if we have discovered our true selves—we have confidence and joy.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve made some huge fashion mistakes and broken plenty of rules in my day…

Maybe tomorrow I’ll share some pictures.


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Friday Fun & Free Stuff!!!


Here we go…

Another Friday, another set of giveaways and fun videos for ya. Enjoy!


#1. FREE NWLife TUMBLER—designed by me.

This limited edition, cylinder-style cold beverage tumbler features the new NWLife logo. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you one (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#2. FREE BOOK—Love Does by Bob Goff.

This is currently (still) my favorite book. I love the stories, adventure, & challenge to love God & do stuff. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment). Also—follow Bob Goff on Twitter. You’ll be glad you did.


#3. FREE BOOK—The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller.

I read this about 4 years ago & I’ve been talking about it ever since. This book is definitely on my top 10 list. If you haven’t read it yet, get it & read it! Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#4. VIDEO—Hungry Little Parrots.

Weird, I do the exact same thing when it’s time to eat.

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#5. VIDEO—The Proposal.

Sometimes love makes you oblivious.

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#6. VIDEO—The Value of Paper.

Not ready to go paperless yet.

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#7. VIDEO—The Pain of Electricity.

Confession: I’ve never put a 9 volt battery on my tongue because I’m too scared.

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#8. VIDEO—What Does it Take to Kill a Volvo?

I wonder how sore the driver was the next day.

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#9. VIDEO—Penguins Be Trippin.

Though the righteous penguins may fall seven times, they rise again. —Proverbs 24.16 (sort of)

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See you next Friday for more fun & free stuff!

Like this post? You should also check out:

Friday Fun & Free Stuff Archive



People With Roots

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Roots exist below the surface, so they don’t get a lot of attention.

We rarely think or talk about them.

I mean, really—when was the last time you had a discussion with someone about roots?

But having deep, healthy roots is absolutely necessary. They nourish and sustain us.

The godly have deep roots. —Proverbs 12.3

So, from a practical standpoint, what does it look like to have deep, healthy roots?


People with roots…

Are committed.

Face storms just like everyone else, but aren’t destroyed by them.

Feed themselves spiritually during the week, come to church filled-up and ready to serve others.

Work hard to provide for themselves, their family, and others.

Live below their means so they are able to give.

Have joy that goes beyond their circumstances.

Are secure in their relationship with God.

Talk to God and listen to God.

Study the Word of God.

Are self-disciplined.

Fulfill their vows.

Are honest.


I know this list isn’t sexy or exciting.

It’s honestly kinda boring and sounds like something your grandparents would say.

That’s the thing with roots—they’re not sexy and they’re not exciting.

But they are life-giving, vital, and necessary.

The truth is, I’d rather you were a bit boring and made it in the long-haul, than super exciting, but short-lived.

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught. —Colossians 2.7 NLT


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After The Show

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We church people love the show.

Lights! Camera! Action!

It’s addictive.

The thing is, real life is on pause for the show. It’s after the show that real life happens.

Real life is rarely glamorous or camera-ready.

Real life is in the boring, mundane, and day-to-day responsibilities.

Real life is in the conflict, the struggle, and the tension.

Real life is in the the loss, the sorrow, and the tears.

Real life is in the lonely moments.

Real life is found after the show…

And this is why we need some deep, healthy roots.

You’re deeply rooted in him. You’re well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you’ve been taught. School’s out; quit studying the subject and start living it! —Colossians 2.6, 7 MSG

I love church and I want you to come to church, get involved, and help make a difference.

But, even more importantly, I want you to have roots that sustain you when you’re not at church.

Because that’s where life is lived…

After the show.


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Depth Over Display

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Roots aren’t very sexy but they are absolutely necessary.

They don’t get noticed or applauded. They exist under the surface and they grow slowly.

Roots aren’t photogenic. They’ll never make the cover of a magazine.

Without deep roots, there will be no leaves, flowers, or fruit.

Jesus talked about this.

While teaching the parable of a farmer scattering seed, He explained…

The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems… —Matthew 13.20, 21 NLT

The Message Bible says, “This is the person who hears and instantly responds with enthusiasm. But… when the emotions wear off and some difficulty arrives, there is nothing to show for it.”

A great display of enthusiasm doesn’t always mean much.

I’ve noticed that the ones who are quick to rave about the church when they first come are often gone in a flash. It’s weird.

I recently heard a minister talking about his work in the prisons. He described how many in the prison wound up there because they had low impulse control. He went on to say how those with low impulse control are often quick to embrace religion enthusiastically—and obsessively. Their language becomes super-churchy and all they want to talk about is the spiritual.

The thing is, we want depth over display.

Being good at sounding and looking spiritual is not nearly as important as having deep, healthy roots—which aren’t seen or celebrated by others.

Such things sound impressive if said in a deep enough voice. They even give the illusion of being pious… but they’re just another way of showing off, making yourselves look important. —Colossians 2.23 MSG

We need depth over display.

Roots aren’t sexy but they’re absolutely necessary.

We tend to measure by the appearance, but what’s below the surface is way more important.

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught. —Colossians 2.7 NLT


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Celebrating Friday With Fun & Free Stuff


This is how I like to celebrate Fridays: sharing fun and free stuff with you. Enjoy your weekend!


#1. FREE BOOK—The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller.

I read this about 4 years ago & I’ve been talking about it ever since. This book is definitely on my top 10 list. If you haven’t read it yet, get it & read it! Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).


#2. FREE BOOK—Happy Easter Prudy V. by Angela Hagebusch.

Just in time for Easter, my friend Angela has published her second book—and it’s a good one. I really like Prudy V (because I can identify with her creative plotting of revenge).  Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment). Also, follow Angela on Twitter. You’ll be glad you did.


#3. VIDEO—Cats Can Be Jerks.

Yeah, they’re kinda like people in that way.

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#4. VIDEO—Names Of Things You Might Have.

I like this video because now I know what that thing I have is called. Misophonia.

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#5. VIDEO—Concrete Tent.

I might consider camping if I had one of these.

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#6. VIDEO—Kid Dance Battle.

This is how all the world’s problems should be solved. No more wars, just dance battles.

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#7. VIDEO—This Is My Court (Street Basketball).

I love the look of this video.


#8. VIDEO—Fruit & Vegetable Music.

I just wish this guy would wear socks.

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#9. VIDEO—NY Sign Department.

That’s a lot of signs.

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#10. VIDEO—Never Enough Alfa.

This dude is crazy. And likable.

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See you next Friday for more fun & free stuff!

Like this post? You should also check out:

Friday Fun & Free Stuff Archive



Friday Fun & Free Stuff & It’s March!


Super excited for March. I can feel Spring on its way…

Let’s celebrate! Here are some fun & free things for ya:


1. FREE STUFF—NWLife Limited Edition Surprise Pack.

Can’t tell you what’s gonna be in your surprise pack, but I can tell you what MIGHT be in it: stuff like a new logo keychain, NWLife cylinder beverage tumbler, new logo sketchbook/journal, new logo pen, or maybe even one of our favorite books. The first 2 people to comment below (scroll to bottom of page) will receive a NWLife Limited Edition Surprise Pack in our new, logo-stamped cotton, “spare parts” bag.


#2. FREE BOOK—Love Does by Bob Goff.

This is currently (still) my favorite book. I love the stories, adventure, & challenge to love God & do stuff. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment). Also—follow Bob Goff on Twitter. You’ll be glad you did.


#3. VIDEO—Dog Pushes Cat In.

What’s not to love about this video?

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#4. VIDEO—Audi Paintball Fight.

Looks like fun (as long as it’s not your own car).

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#5. VIDEO—Oreo Separating Machine.

This guy is totally nuts, right?

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#6. VIDEO—The Centrifuge Brain Project.

Do you like the carnival rides at the fair?


#7. VIDEO—Thomas Franklin Dancing.

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See you next Friday for more fun & free stuff!

Like this post? You should also check out:

Friday Fun & Free Stuff Archive



He Held The Hand Of His Daughter

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The following is an excerpt from the blog of Jonathan Martin, a pastor in Charlotte, North Carolina. You can read his post in its entirety HERE.


I have a dear friend who had an abortion in her 20s. She is one of the most powerful women of God that I know. She grew up in a family where she suffered severe sexual and psychological abuse. After she became a Christian and married a caring Christian man, she began to experience healing, and eventually would even go into ministry. But a few years into their marriage, she got pregnant and hit a wall. The old hurts and insecurities began to wreak havoc in her mind. She decided she didn’t feel like she could be a good wife, and certainly was not in a place to be a mother. So for a season, she ran away from her new husband, and without his consent, decided to have an abortion. Weeks later, when she came out of her season of depression, she was overcome with shame.

They stayed together, and ultimately would even have a thriving ministry. But she has a remarkable testimony about that dark season of her life: just before she was about to be wheeled back for the procedure, she says she had a visitation of the Lord. To this day, she claims it was not a dream, but a physical presence—she says she can still feel His right hand over her heart and His left hand holding hers. Wordlessly, He comforted her. That was all. She did not change her mind; she did not run out of the clinic, screaming.

Looking back, she tells me that if she had not had such a tangible manifestation of God’s presence then, she doesn’t feel like she could have survived the guilt and condemnation she felt later. She didn’t feel like Jesus somehow affirmed her decision.

Only that He held the hand of His daughter, and stayed with her when fear drove her to this decision she would later regret so bitterly.

That experience did not stop her from having the abortion. But it would ultimately convince her, when the healing began, that she really was seen and known by Jesus, even in her darkest moments, and yet completely loved.

When I told that story in a sermon a few weeks ago, the room fell silent.

I don’t think it was because the congregation didn’t recognize that as something God would do, but because they knew it was exactly like God, which makes it all the more interesting.

He did not come to condone my friend’s choice. But He did not come to condemn either. He came to enter the ambiguity and awfulness of that season of her life, and assure her that His love for her was real, no matter what choices she made. Doesn’t that just sound like Him?


God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating. —Colossians 1.13, 14 MSG


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