Category "Fun / Humor"

Normally I Am Slow

Normally I am slow. I like to take my time thinking about stuff. You won’t get big reactions from me. And if you ask what I think about some big issue or crisis du jour… my favorite answer is “I don’t know.” I joke with Shari that my gravestone should say “I don’t know” on it (she asks billions of questions and gets this answer from me all the time).

Normally I am slow. But not yesterday.

Things started out pretty typical. Shari left the house first. Then I got Ashah off to school. I was enjoying those few moments of quietness (OK, it was my 30-minute nap that I take every morning) when all of the sudden, my phone blew up.

I’ve never heard text messages come in such rapid succession. It was vibration… Read More

Fun & Fascinating. Because Friday.

- - Fun / Humor, Video

My daughter has been complaining about the lack of “Fun Friday” posts, so… this is for her. Maybe you’ll like it too.


1. VIDEO—Confusing Question of the Day.

Jimmy Kimmel’s team went out on the street asking people this question: “In light of the recent stock market crash, Donald Trump has vowed to build a wall around Wiz Khalifa to protect Americans from anchor babies. Despite the Iranian nuclear deal, do you also support his proposal’s plan to lower taxes, giving way to newer, better emojis even if it thwarts Harry Styles’ efforts abroad?” That question doesn’t make any sense at all, but that didn’t stop people from… Read More