Plan B Situation—When We Have More Q’s Than A’s
Have you heard of Pete Wilson?
He’s a Nashville pastor who just so happened to star in Taylor Swift’s music video “Mine” along with his wife and 3 boys. Gotta see it now? Here ya go:

In addition to his great hair and looks, ability to produce some fine looking offspring that can double as Taylor Swift’s future kids, Pete Wilson has written a couple of excellent books.
A few years ago, I read his book called Plan B: What Do You Do When God Doesn’t Show Up The Way You Thought He Would.
I’m gonna give some copies of Pete’s book away on my Friday Fun & Free Stuff post…
So watch for the Tweet tomorrow morning: @BrianDolleman
Here are some quotes from Plan B:
I’ve never heard of anyone’s journey of faith that hasn’t had a Plan B story.
A Plan B situation is when we have more questions than answers.
Your dreams may not be happening, and things aren’t turning out the way you expected, but that doesn’t mean your life is spinning out of control. It just means you’re not in control.
I think we often treat God like we do a vending machine… maybe not consciously. Maybe we’d never say it. But we still assume that if we do all the right things, say all the right things, and have the right attitude, we can simply press a magic spiritual button and get whatever it is we desire in the moment. We’re looking for a quick spiritual transaction that doesn’t necessarily lead to a deeper level of intimacy but gives us what we want. And like children, we want it now!
Even in the midst of a Plan B, you really have only one task, one calling. And that is to do what you would do if you were confident God was with you.
When people ask me how they can know God’s will for their lives, I tell them the best first step is to know God. Beyond that I don’t really have any steps.
I’ve discovered that sometimes God wants us to live inside of the questions. Sometimes he wants us to linger in the waiting, hoping, praying. In fact, sometimes it’s right in the middle of our darkness, in the middle of our crisis, in the middle of our Plan B struggles that God speaks most clearly.
There is an undeniable relationship between Plan B and the glory of God.
Wanna follow Pete on Twitter? Here ya go: @pwilson
Also—he has a great blog. Check it out: