Have you ever noticed how campaign ads will mention who is endorsing that particular candidate?
“Endorsed by Renton Fire Fighters”
“Endorsed by the Seattle Times”
“Endorsed by the National Rifle Association”
Here’s one I’ve never seen…
“Endorsed by Jesus Christ”
Jesus doesn’t belong to your political party.
It’s too small to hold Him.
Jesus isn’t a Republican or a Democrat or an Independent. He’s also not an American.
His government—His rule and His reign—is greater than any other.
He announced, “The Kingdom of God has arrived among you” (Matthew 12.28).
Jesus is the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 19.16).
His way is greater, His rule is perfect, and His government is not flawed.
News flash: we, as American Christians, have dual citizenship.
We are Americans and we are Christians.
Hold on, that needs to be flipped around…
We are Christians (first) and we are Americans.
The way of our King of kings and Lord of lords trumps everything else.
His rule, His reign, His government, His justice, His way of setting the world right—that’s what we submit to.
The question, “Would Jesus be a Democrat or a Republican?” is a stupid one.
Looking at what Jesus did and taught, we could easily say He is pro-family and pro-life…
And we would also have to say He is pro-poor and pro-immigrant.
He paid taxes. He gave out free lunches.
He doesn’t exactly fit into the right or the left.
Jesus doesn’t belong to your political party.
His way of setting the world right—let’s call that His justice—is what we need to have an appetite for.
Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied” (Matthew 5.6)
It is a beautiful and blessed thing when the church represents His justice…
When we care for the single mother.
When we visit the prisoner.
When we feed the hungry.
When we provide backpacks and school supplies for underprivileged children.
It is a sweet aroma when we serve and love and give…
And it stinks when we do nothing about injustice.
In this election season, remember: Jesus isn’t running for office.
He’s already the King of kings and Lord of lords.
He doesn’t belong to your political party.
His rule, His reign, His government, His justice, His way of setting the world right—that’s what we want…
And that’s what we represent.