Category "Uncategorized"

White Board Stains & You

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You’ve seen the white board.

It’s tired. It has lost its shine. It looks faded…

And stained.

Someone accidentally used a permanent marker on it.

Words and charts and diagrams stayed on the white board for weeks or even months at a time before someone attempted to erase ‘em. The images stayed after the erasing. Yes, they became a little bit lighter, but they’re still visible and legible.

Even white board cleaner is no match for the stains on this one.

Somebody used tape to stick something to it a while ago—now it has the gooey residue of tape attracting dust and ink and felt from the white board eraser.

It has layers of stains and scars.

It has scratches and marks.

It’s too far gone.

The notion of a “clean slate” doesn’t seem to apply here.

The only solution: retire it… to the dumpster.

Know what I’m talking about?

Have you ever felt like that white board?

I have.

Sometimes, I need to remind myself of how God sees me…

“How happy you must be—you get a fresh start, your slate’s wiped clean. God holds nothing against you and you’re holding nothing back from him.” (Psalm 32.1, 2 MSG)

I’m not being retired to the dumpster!

As far as God is concerned, I’m completely stain-free.

And so are you.

Now, we still have scars and scratches and stuff.

We know they’re there. Others can see ‘em too.

Those scars and scratches and stuff have a purpose.

They’re our testimony.

They speak of where we’ve been and what has happened to us.

They tell a story of God’s grace and his healing power in our lives.

They remind us of how far we’ve come and they give us hope as we face today’s challenges.

Yes—we have some scars and scratches AND we have a clean slate!

“Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 1.30 MSG)


3 Keys To A Fresh Start

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Every day when you wake up, you’re given the opportunity for a…

Fresh start


Second chance

New beginning

Another go at it

God is all about the fresh start.

The Bible says, “The Lord’s love never ends; his mercies never stop. They are new every morning.” (Lamentations 3.22, 23 NCV)

Here are 3 keys to a fresh start:

1. Don’t live looking backwards. Even yesterday’s success isn’t fresh enough for today.

2. Never allow yesterday’s failure(s) keep you from moving forward today. Have another go at it!

3. See life in terms of possibilities—faith for the future. A new and better way is ahead. This will pull you forward.

“This is what God says… Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is!” (Isaiah 43.18, 19 MSG)


The Small Bang Theory

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Most things don’t start big.

Nope. They tend to start small.

Here’s what the Bible says about small beginnings:

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4.10 NLT)

God doesn’t want us to have a bad attitude about small beginnings.

I can think of two reasons why we might be tempted to despise small beginnings…

First—We don’t want to be small because we are addicted to big. We equate big with success. We don’t want to “waste” time with small. We want big results—you know, to match our big egos. We prefer others being small (which usually makes us feel bigger).

Second—We don’t don’t want to do the work of starting something, and then growing it. We equate small with more glamor-less work. We don’t like dirty work. And we don’t like waiting.

Here’s the truth: most big things started small.

In fact, most big things started with someone who was willing to be small—at least for a while.

Speaking of big, God (who is huge), rejoices at small beginnings.

He likes to see things start. Also—He likes to see US start things.

So… let’s make Him smile. Let’s start something new!

Small beginnings are the starting point of big things.

Got big ideas? Huge dreams? Lofty ambitions?

Good. Now get yourself ready for small…

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4.10 NLT)

Blessed Are The Agitated

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I’m sure you’ve heard this verse before…

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” (Habakkuk 2.2 NKJV)

Write the vision down.

Make the vision plain (clear, easy to understand)—so we can read it and run with it.

Sounds good, huh?


Clear vision, something to run with. Ya gotta love it.

But I’d like to point something out: this verse follows some serious agitation.

In the previous chapter of Habakkuk, verses 1-4 are titled “Habakkuk’s Complaint.”

Another large chunk of that chapter gets the creative title “Habakkuk’s Second Complaint.”

Habakkuk was agitated.

He knew everything was not as it should be.

He lived in the tension of the kingdom that is and the kingdom that is yet to come.

He had a sense for what could be and what shouldn’t be…

And God gave him a vision, an answer, a strategy—something to run with.

My point: agitation is a gift.

The world will not be changed by the content or the complacent.

Agitation is the prelude to action.

We need more agitated leaders!

Blessed are the agitated.

Love Does (Stuff Like This)

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I’ve been quoting this guy Bob Goff quite a bit lately.

That’s because I just read his book, Love Does. It’s the best book I’ve read in the past 18 months (out of 70+).

It’s one of those “I like it so much, I bought a big stack of ‘em to give to people” kind of books (I did).

A quick story about Bob…

Years ago, when Donald Miller was a young camper at a Seattle-area Young Life camp, his canoe landed on the shore of a large cabin along the river, which turned out to be Bob Goff’s house.

A friendship was born.

Several months ago, a young Ugandan boy fell into the hands of a witch doctor who emasculated him. Bob’s law firm went after the witch doctor and successfully prosecuted him.

Not long after, a small airplane was circling over the same river where Donald was canoeing as a boy—and the pilot inquired about the house. The passenger told him it was Bob Goff’s house and shared the story of the witch doctor.

The pilot turned out to be one of the top male reconstructive surgeons in the country… and redemption was born.

Here is a parade outside of Bob’s San Diego house, featuring that Ugandan boy—as grand marshal.


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Why Samson’s Name Made The List

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I’ve never thought of Samson as a hero.

He wasn’t a good guy. His story is tragic. While Samson wasn’t a heartless psychopath, he certainly wasn’t a saint.

Throughout history, Christian writers have called Samson plenty of things (not exactly glowing praises)…

Judge & Fool.

Reckless Practical Joker.

Full of High Spirits & Low Ethics.

Noble Savage.


Judge Who Chased Women Instead of Enemies.


Oversexed Muscleman.

Obstreperous Lout.

I had to look those last two words up…

Obstreperous: unruly, aggressive noisiness; stubbornly resistant to control.

Lout: awkward, brutish person

It seems like we all agree: Samson is not role model material.

This fact makes his name in the list of “Heroes of the Faith” catch your attention…

“Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets—by faith these people overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God promised them. All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith…” (Hebrews 11.32-33, 39)

Quoting Jeff Lucas, from his book: There Are No Strong People…

“Some scoff at the mention of his name. But as we read the list of faith luminaries in Hebrews, we realize that it was the God who works on rubbish dumps, who works in the midst of our mess, this was the God who decided to put His servant Samson’s name in there.

And, by grace, our names are in his book too.

Remember this grace truth: Jesus works on rubbish heaps. On the mixed bags that are us.

He works out His purposes through us with a grace so epic, it’s a mystery.

Strength made perfect in weakness.

There are people with strengths.

But there are no strong people,

Except One.”

NOTE: Image is by designer Jim LePage. You can check out more of his Word Bible Designs here:


Does God Laugh?

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Does God laugh?

Did Jesus?

Should we?

Gregory of Nyssa, a fourth-century church leader, believed laughter to be an enemy of humanity.

Quoting Gregory on the subject…

“It is equivalent in meaning to ‘frenzy’ or ‘madness’; for what else would anyone properly call laughter. It is neither speech or activity directed to any end, but an unseemly loss of bodily control—convulsions in the breath, paroxysms of the whole body, distention of the cheeks, exposure of the teeth, gums and palate, bending of the neck, unpredictable weakness in the voice, punctuated by gasps of breath; what else could this be, but madness? That is why, to laughter I said, You are mad, you are beside yourself, you have gone beyond the limits of sanity, deliberately behaving in an unseemly way, and distorting your appearance with passion, without accomplishing anything useful by the distortion.”

Wow. Fun guy to hang out with.

Another early church leader, John Chrysostom, declared that Jesus never laughed.


The Council of Constance in the 1400’s declared there would be a special place reserved in hell for ministers who spoke “words such as to provoke laughter.”


Basil the Great said, “Raucous laughter and uncontrollable shaking of the body are not indicative of a well regulated soul, or of personal dignity, or self-mastery.”

I’m guessing Basil the Great wasn’t great to be around.

Just recently, I read a perspective that would have caused Gregory of Nyssa, Basil the Great, and John Chrysostom to start twitching…

“There really isn’t anything frivolous about having fun. Without fun, marriages don’t work. When jobs aren’t fun, they become intolerable and dehumanizing. When children aren’t fun, they’re heartbreaking. When a church is not fun, religion becomes a drag.”

So, what do you think?

Does God laugh?

Should we?

How about in church?

Grace & Mr. Perlman


The concert hall was bustling with warm, pre-performance hubbub before the announcer spoke. “Ladies and gentlemen, kindly take your seats now; this evening’s performance will begin in two minutes.”

People glanced at their tickets and hurried to find their rows. They edged their way down the narrow line of seats to find, at last, their allotted places.

Miracles often come without warning or fanfare, and this was no exception. There was no hint that they would all be on the threshold of an experience that they would never forget—a moment to celebrate decades later.

The purposeful din of the orchestra’s tuning faded and the lights dimmed, hushing a thousand conversations. The audience was eager for the concert to begin, ready to savor the talents of Itzhak Perlman, arguably the world’s greatest violinist.

Perlman is usually the last person to take his place on stage, for though his fingers are staggeringly nimble, his legs don’t work nearly as well. He was struck with polio when he was just twelve, and now he struggles across the huge platform to take his seat, his stumbling, ungainly walk aided by crutches and leg braces.

At last, he sat down, removed both braces from his legs, and placed his violin beneath his chin. He was ready—and in more ways than one. Perlman’s brilliance is no fluke. He practices for nine hours daily. And for forty-five minutes before every concert, he is alone in his dressing room, with two security guards at the locked door. They have explicit instructions to let no one in under any circumstances. “Mr. Perlman has finished practicing. Now he is praying. Do not disturb.”

And pray he must. The concerto is considered one of the most important and difficult works in the violin repertoire. Its technical demands on the soloist are huge. Brahm’s Violin Concerto in D Major is simply “unplayable” according to one virtuoso. That miracle night, Perlman was set to perform this extraordinarily challenging piece that would last over six minutes.

A few seconds into the solo, the sound of a string breaking on Perlman’s violin ricocheted around the hall. The unwelcome twang was an uncouth intruder among a myriad of perfect notes. The orchestra immediately stopped playing, their music tapering off chaotically. The crowd gasped. Protocol permits a musician to call for a pause, allowing time for them to hurry off stage to replace the string. It’s quite impossible to play a complicated violin concerto a string short.

Impossible, that is, unless your name is Perlman. With a wave he signaled the orchestra to continue. And then the unthinkable happened.

Instantaneously transposing the music for three strings instead of four, Perlman delivered the piece flawlessly, his dancing fingers producing sounds of unprecedented purity and passion. Six minutes later, spent and soaked in sweat, he lowered his violin. The crowd sat in stunned silence for eight seconds. And then they rose as one to their feet, a wall of wild cheering and thunderous applause. The orchestra joined in, banging their instruments in homage and shouting themselves hoarse. Perlman called for a microphone, motioned for silence, and then the man with two busted legs and one busted string spoke:

“All my life, it has been my mission to make music from that which remains.”

His brilliance was expressed through something broken. The shattered string, which could have stopped the music, only served to accentuate Perlman’s staggering talent. Greater glory came because the melody-maker used a temporarily useless instrument.

And that is precisely what God has always done with us, creating beautiful music through broken people. How desperately the world needs to hear the charming sound that is grace. There’s no shortage of harsh noise on this planet, but rather a famine of real music.

There is yet beautiful music to be heard in the universe. God longs for the joyous melody of his love to be heard, true music to the ear for those who have ears to hear it.

Though all of us need to hear this song, prodigals desperately need to hear it.

The prodigal-friendly church will be one with a compassionate heart that weeps for the prodigals. It will be a brave people willing to be instruments for music that is “unplayable”—unless the Lord plays it through them.

Most of all, it will be a church filled with ordinary, “three-stringed” people. Not a Stradivarius in sight, for God only uses the ordinary; nothing else is available. Tarnished trumpets. Big, fat double basses, varnish scratched, a tuning peg or two out of line. Strings encased in rust, brittle to the touch. A dented timpani that “boings” when a “bong” is expected. A flute that squeaks and drips spit. Cymbals that sometimes “zing” rather than “clang”.

He uses what he has, what remains. That would be us.

Through this motley assortment of dusty, junk shop castoffs, our God, the ultimate composer and musician, can transpose the music once more.

If you are a follower of Jesus, your place is not in the audience, waiting for someone else to play: the prodigal-friendly church will not come about because some leaders and pastors decide that it should be so. Rather, as each of us offer ourselves afresh as part of the orchestra, the dream of harmonious music making becomes a reality.

from Creating A Prodigal-Friendly Church, by Jeff Lucas.



Discover Your Function

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In manufacturing terms, function is defined as, “the action or actions that a part is designed to perform.”

Although you weren’t exactly manufactured, you were created by God.

In fact, as believers, we have been re-created by God (Ephesians 2.10), and He has plans for us.

You have been fashioned by God to function—to participate in a living body (the church) that is defined by action.

You weren’t made to be a spectator or an observer.

You were designed for active participation.

“I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and FUNCTIONING together.” (1 Corinthians 12.14 MSG)

God has us right where He wants us and He has plans for us to function (serve) together.

Each part of the body has a function—a part to play.

Scripture reminds us, “If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?” (1 Corinthians 12.17 NLT)

Notice, each part of the body implied or described in this verse is intrinsically linked to an action.

The eye is seeing.

The ear is hearing.

The nose is smelling…

And one part cannot take over another part’s function (the eye won’t be hearing, the ear won’t be smelling).

The body depends on each part to actively participate—to function.

Have you discovered your God-given function in the church?

Are you aware that the rest of the body depends on you?

If you haven’t already, it’s time to discover your function.

In the church (and in the world), you weren’t made to merely show up.

You were created by God with action in mind.

You are part of the body of Christ (the church), and you have a function that energizes, sustains, and brings joy to both you and the body.

Your function is essential.

We (the church) need YOU…

And we need the active, participating, functioning you—in the body.