We are generally only interested in risk when it has some sort of personal payoff.
People will make risky investments with the goal of making ginormous returns on their money.
Some will make a risky move hoping for a better life for themselves and their family.
Of course, there are those rare occasions where someone does something risky to help or save someone else…
But most of the time, we carefully calculate the risks in light of personal gain.
Businesses have “Risk Management” departments.
Reality TV shows have lawyers telling them what they can and cannot do (in order to prevent lawsuits).
I’m just gonna come out and say it: serving God is risky business…
And perhaps we’ve made it too safe.
I wonder, are we willing to take risks—not just for ourselves, but FOR GOD?
Do we live in fear—calculating all the bad things that could possibly happen if we stick our necks out too far for God? Do we hold back?
Are we waiting for the perfect scenario… you know, the one that has zero risk involved?
In the Old Testament, Daniel took a risk for God.
He wanted to honor God, but his handlers had something different in mind.
Daniel asked for an exemption from the royal menu. He wanted to honor the Jewish dietary laws given by God.
The supervisor said no.
Daniel asked again—only this time he went to someone else…
And he offered a reasonable plan: a trial-run with an evaluation.
This time, Daniel got the green light!
He was given permission to honor his God because he was willing to risk something.
Daniel stuck his neck out.
He risked rejection.
He risked being told no.
He risked being penalized.
He risked having his reputation tarnished.
He risked being misunderstood.
He risked failure.
Daniel took a big risk, not for himself, but for God.
Yes—serving God is risky business.
I believe we need ask ourselves, “Am I playing it too safe? Am I content with Jesus as long as he doesn’t cost me anything? Am I willing to risk for Him?”
In the case of Daniel, he was actually risking his life.
We often hold back because we’re afraid of being laughed at or not being liked.
We hold back because of FEAR…
And we need to stop that.
Holding back because of fear does not honor God. Faith and risk go hand-in-hand.
“Listen to the Lord who created you… the one who formed you says, ‘DO NOT BE AFRAID, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fires of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God… your Savior.’” (Isaiah 43.1-3 NLT)
Did you notice the “when you…” statements in these verses?
When you go through deep waters, when you go through rivers of difficulty, when you go through the fires of oppression…
Serving God is risky business—and it’s totally worth it!
He’s our creator, the one who ransoms us, is with us, and rescues us—our Savior.
We have no reason to fear. We should not hold back any longer.
We don’t need a “perfect scenario” to honor our God.
It’s time for some risky business!