Category "Uncategorized"

Get Over Yourself. And Cooties.

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I’ve had a number of experiences that helped push me to get over myself…

Like serving hot meals to people living on Skid Row in Los Angeles.

Like holding AIDS babies in a government hospital in Swaziland.

Like praying for a couple of prostitutes in drug-infested MacArthur Park—immediately after saying “amen,” one of the prostitutes put her arms around me and gave me a big hug.

In circumstances like these, I had to decide what’s more important—my comfort or real compassion.

To be honest, my brain offers me some less-than-compassionate thoughts, like…


“Something smells and I don’t want to get it on me.”

“What about germs, diseases and cooties?”

I’m embarrassed and ashamed that my brain reacts that way. I know that’s not real compassion…

So I get over myself. And cooties.

The issue isn’t really about me or cooties—it’s about hurting, lonely, broken, scarred people.

I love the straight-forward language of this verse:

“Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.” (Philippians 2.3, 4 MSG)

There’s a story in Luke chapter 5 about a man with an “advanced case” of leprosy. He comes to Jesus and begs for healing. Jesus could’ve prayed for the man from a distance—but he didn’t.

He reached out and touched the man.

He touched the leper BEFORE he healed him.

He touched him even though he was unclean and contagious.

There’s a significant take-away here:

When we find ourselves at the crossroads between our comfort and real compassion…

We must get over ourselves. And cooties.

We must choose compassion.

The Misfit Magnet Manifesto

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One day, the King of the misfits showed up on the scene to make an announcement…

He declared His purpose—He shared His mission statement—He revealed His agenda.

He unrolled the scroll and read the misfit magnet manifesto:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”

Jesus rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the attendant, and sat down.

The room was silent. Every eye was on him.

Then He said, “The Scripture you’ve just heard has been fulfilled this very day!” (Luke 4.17-21)

Notice WHO He came for—the poor, the captive, the blind, and the oppressed…

The misfits.

He didn’t come to host pep rallies for the whole, but to bring healing and hope for the hurting.

He came to announce this is the time of God’s favor for the broken ones.

Can you find yourself in His misfit magnet manifesto?

A Beautiful Collection of Misfits

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Have you read Brennan Manning’s book The Ragamuffin Gospel?

It’s sooooo good.

Here’s a little excerpt:

“On a sweltering summer night in New Orleans, sixteen recovering alcoholics and drug addicts gather for their weekly AA meeting. Although several members attend other meetings during the week, this is their home group.

They have been meeting on Tuesday nights for several years and know each other well. Some talk to each other daily on the telephone; others socialize outside the meetings.

The personal investment in one another’s sobriety is sizable. Nobody fools anybody else.

Everyone is there because he or she made a slobbering mess of his or her life and is trying to put the pieces back together. Each meeting is marked by levity and seriousness.

Some members are wealthy, others middle class or poor. Some smoke, others don’t. Most drink coffee. Some have graduate degrees, others have not finished high school.

For one small hour, the high and the mighty descend and the lowly rise. The result is fellowship.”


This is the beauty of our church—whether we’ve got things “together” or not, someone stoops to help—and another is given courage. The high and the mighty descend and the lowly rise.

Yes, we’re a beautiful collection of misfits…

And we are greatly loved by the King of the misfits.

Broken Is Beautiful

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I really appreciate the stuff that People of the Second Chance (POTSC) put out…

Like this video, Broken is Beautiful, for instance:

This is a Horrible Time to Make a Policy

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This video is by Derek Sivers—it’s from his book “Anything You Want” (worth reading).

I love these lines in the video:

“Poor business owner needs a hug…”

“This is a horrible time to make a policy.”

“Learn to shrug.”


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Accepted and Understood by an Outsider

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I remember a particularly awkward stage of my life during my teen years…

I felt alone, misunderstood, and uncomfortable in my own skin.

There wasn’t anyone I wanted to talk with about it.

I know this is kinda silly—but I did feel accepted and understood by my dog, Gretchen.

She didn’t seem to care if I was in a funk.

She didn’t roll her eyes at my attempts to be all punk rock.

She was always happy to see me.

She was a loyal, faithful friend.

While I was aware of all the ways I didn’t fit… I was accepted and understood by an outsider—my dog.

The Bible says we have a great High Priest (Jesus) who understands us. He gets it.

He’s experienced the hurt, discomfort, weakness, and temptation—just like us.

He welcomes us (even when we’re in a funk).

In Him we are accepted and understood.

He doesn’t roll His eyes at us.

He is always happy to see us.

He is a loyal, faithful friend.

“For our high priest is able to understand our weaknesses… Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it.” (Hebrews 4.15, 16 NCV)

King Moonracer

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OK, I know it’s a little early for Christmas stuff—but just go with me for a minute.

Do you remember King Moonracer from the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Christmas special?

He is the flying lion who lives in a castle… the king of the Island of Misfit Toys.

King Moonracer flies around the world each night to gather up unwanted toys and gives them a home on his island. He loves the toys that others have cast aside.

He is himself the ultimate misfit. He isn’t a toy. He’s a flying lion who wears a tiny crown.

Unlike all the other misfits on the island, no one laughs at King Moonracer. No one calls him ridiculous.

They are awed by the majesty of his presence. He is alone in the world—yet he seems so content and focused.

He is driven by a sense of responsibility to his mission.

He reminds me of Someone I know…


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Have you ever felt like you just didn’t fit?

For various reasons, we’ve all experienced that misfit moment.

I feel like I’ve spent most of my life accumulating misfit moments.

If I wrote out lists: REASONS WHY I FIT and REASONS WHY I DON’T FIT, the second list wins a decisive victory.

Some choose to live as chameleons—morphing to “fit” each setting or scenario—ultimately creating a masquerade existence where it is no longer safe to be themselves.

This issue touches all of us. We’ve all felt it and we all have to deal with it.

We’re not the only misfits…

Jesus was a misfit. Think about it.

His mom was a virgin. He stands all alone in that regard.

He was both fully-God and fully-man. Again, he stands alone with that one.

He lived a pure life and was without sin. Hello! He’s the only one to have ever lived that way.

He took on our sin at the cross—he became the once-and-for-all sacrifice for us. Only He could do this.

He died, but death had no power over him. He conquered death, rose again, and He lives.

Not only was Jesus the king of the misfits, but he was a misfit magnet.

He attracted misfits everywhere.

Think about the individuals Jesus spent time with, ministered to, healed, taught, encouraged, and blessed…

They’re misfits—just like me and you. Jesus loves misfits! We belong with Him.

With Him, we’re home and there’s no longer a need to masquerade.

“We’re the Messiah’s misfits.” (1 Corinthians 4.9 MSG)

The Best Seat in the House isn’t a Seat

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How do you pick a seat when you go to the movies?

The best viewing angle? The middle? The back row so nobody can kick your chair? The one without stains?

If you’re the first person to arrive, you will undoubtedly pick the one you believe to be the best seat in the house.

One more question…

What’s the best seat in the church?

I frequently observe people selecting their seats at church. They pick their seats for various reasons…

Closest to the front, furthest from the front. Closest to the exit, next to friends. Quiet zone, loud zone.

You do it too. Think about it—there’s a reason you selected that seat.

One day, Jesus heard his disciples arguing about who among them deserved the best seat.

Here’s how He responded to them:

“Who is more important—the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves.” (Luke 22.27 NLT)

I love those three paradigm-shifting words from Jesus—BUT NOT HERE.

The perspective of what we try to position ourselves for (what’s best) is DIFFERENT HERE.

People are not revered for what they took, but for what they gave and how they served.

Here, the best seat in the house isn’t a seat—it’s the place of service.

Bust A Rut

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Ruts keep you stuck.

They limit, confine, and restrict you.

Sometimes, ya just gotta bust a rut and do something new.

Here’s one of the biggest ruts we get trapped in: living for self—being “me” centered.

We are talented consumers. Our tastes have become highly refined.

We know what we like, what we want—and we want more of it.

This consumer mentality is how many Christians approach their faith…

Their tastes are highly refined. They know what they like, what they want—and they want more of it.

It’s a rut that keeps ‘em stuck. Their wheels are spinning but they’re not going anywhere.

Jesus modeled a different way—something contrary to the “me” centered consumer life.

He lived to give and his agenda was to serve, not be served.

He said, “I came not to be served but to serve others and give my life…” (Matthew 20.28)

Followers of Jesus aren’t talented consumers, they’re willing servants.

Are you a Jesus follower?

Has your approach to the Christian life been mostly “me” centered?

Have you become a talented consumer? You might be in a rut…

And sometimes, ya just gotta bust a rut and do something new.

Try a different way—the way that says, “It’s not about me. My agenda is to serve. I live to give.”