Category "Uncategorized"

What Kind of Cars Should be in the Parking Lot?

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Did you ever sing “Jesus Loves Me” when you were a kid?

The lyrics say, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world—red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.”

The point of this classic kid’s song is: Jesus loves us all—even though we’re unique, look different, and come from different backgrounds.

The Bible tells us, “God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only Son…”

God loves the world—not just one nation, race, economic class, political persuasion, culture, or subculture.

I keep thinking about this simple idea: when Jesus ministered to people, what kind of “cars” were in the parking lot?

Rich people’s cars?

Poor people’s cars?

Eco-friendly cars?

Gas-guzzling cars?



Cars with political bumper stickers everywhere?

Cars with bumpin’ sound systems?

Trucks with lift kits and mud all over ‘em?

Soccer mom vans?

Flashy cars?

Humble cars?

Ghetto-fabulous cars?

I’m pretty sure I know the answer…

Yes. All of them.

For God so loved the world…

The church’s parking lot should be full of these cars—diverse, unique, different, special and unusual.

Why? Because they reflect the people who drive them.

We don’t want a parking lot full of one kind of car!

Let’s take our love for people to a whole notha level… and love people the way God does.

Let’s enlarge our circle of love to include people who drive expensive cars and cheap cars, eco-friendly cars and gas-guzzling cars, American-made and imports…

You get what I’m saying.

What Your Pastors Want to Tell You (But Usually Don’t)

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In our staff meeting this week, we talked about things we’d like to tell you—but usually don’t.

Here are a few of those things (from various staff members):

I’m a real person—a lot like you, actually. I’m not a monk; I don’t meditate all day. I have family, friends, hobbies, interests and stuff like that.

Along the way, I will more than likely, unknowingly offend you. Just know ahead of time—it’s not my intention. I’m human and will make some mistakes. Yes, I preach extending grace to others, and I (and the rest of the staff) need grace from you too.

It’s hard for me to see you on Sundays—it’s almost bittersweet. I want to sit down and have coffee with you, spend 30 minutes hearing about your life, your fears, your concerns… and to pray with you. The fact that I have time for only brief “hellos” in the lobby pains me. I want to be connecting deeper with you, but time doesn’t allow. Please don’t feel sidelined if I seem rushed on a Sunday morning.

It’s not always the devil. Sometimes you’re just making really dumb choices.

Please don’t hang back, waiting for people to reach out to you. Initiate. Be friendly and make friends at church.

As far as kids go, we can only partner with and encourage you parents. We will do everything we can to teach your children biblical truths, equip them and encourage their faith in the hour each week they are here. Remember: there are another 167 hours each week.

We can’t do this alone. We need each other. Just giving money isn’t enough. We need you to buy-in, serve and invest in others, share your talents and abilities, and build the church. Bystanders and observers can have lots of expectations and critique. Participants have a vested interest and want to see the church succeed.

We don’t ask you to give because we get something extra when offerings are good or get less when offerings are bad. Our salaries are set, budgeted, and approved by our board. We ask you to give because God set it up that way. We ask you to give because we really believe you will be blessed when you put God first in your finances. We (all the staff) give. We do what we’re asking you to do.

When I forget your name, I’m so sorry. You do matter. Sometimes, if I’ve not seen you in a while, I just forget. (You know, you have an advantage because you can see our names in print). Please be patient and gracious. If it looks like I might be struggling for your name, just remind me. We’ll both feel better.

Do you know what a risk it is for our pastors to share from the platform? Anything they say (or wear) can be misunderstood or judged. You might disagree with something said or it might be taken in a way that wasn’t intended. Let grace reign in your heart. Pray for those you don’t understand and ask God to give you a greater heart of love and compassion for the world around you. Love conquers all.

It’s a privilege to lead you. We love you and we love our church. Thank you for being part of it with us.

Getting Some Action

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This is not a spectator sport.

It needs your participation, involvement, and action.

What am I talking about?


From its start, it was characterized by action.

On the day the church began, Peter preached a sermon to a crowd that had gathered.

At the end of his sermon, the people responded, “What should we do?” (Acts 2.37)

What should we DO?

They were ready for action.

The next few verses describe what they did…

They BELIEVED (vs 41)

They were BAPTIZED (vs 41)

They were ADDED to the church (vs 41)

They DEVOTED themselves to the church and its cause (vs 42)

They GAVE generously, sacrificially (vs 44, 45)

They WORSHIPED together (vs 46)

They MET together regularly at church and in homes (vs 46)

They PRAISED God (vs 47)

They ENJOYED having a good reputation in their community (vs 47)

They GREW in numbers (vs 47)

When you read that list, it’s obvious the church got some serious action from that first group of believers.

Is your church getting some action from you?

Embrace Your Place

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Nobody wants to be displaced, misplaced, or replaced.

We want to fit, belong, participate, and contribute.

We want to have reason for our being.

We want to make a difference.

So, here’s some good news…

There is a place where we belong.

It’s somewhere God placed us, on purpose—in just the right spot.

“But in fact God has placed the parts in the body (the church), every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12.18, 27 NIV)

There’s no question God wants to do incredible things through the church.

His plans for the church are huge—bigger than we could ever imagine.

The question is:

Will you be in place to experience it, participate in it, and contribute to it?

You need your church—more than you realize, and your church needs you—more than you think.

Don’t be displaced, misplaced, or replaced.

Fit. Belong. Participate. Contribute.

Embrace your place.

Caught In-Between

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You know that feeling of being caught in-between?

I do.

It’s not a fun feeling…

You know that regardless of your decision, you will hurt, fail, disappoint, or annoy one side (and sometimes both).

The thing is: both sides are important to you.

Honestly, one of the biggest tensions I feel as a pastor is being caught in-between what many Christians want and what God’s mission for the church is (what He wants).

Generally speaking, most Christians want church to be safe, comfortable, and familiar.

That’s understandable.

It sounds good and makes sense.

But God has something different in mind.

God’s wants the church to reach, rescue, and restore people.

His mission for the church includes: being a hospital for the sin-sick and a place where prodigals are received with open arms.

And that’s not exactly a picture of safe, comfortable, or familiar.

Body Talk

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It’s your body.

Nobody knows your body like you do.

You’re aware of it all the time.

It works for you, and sometimes it works against you.

You want your body healthy, whole, and working.

We (the church) are His body – “The church is Christ’s body…” (Ephesians 1.23 CEV)

He knows us better than anyone else does.

He’s aware of us all the time.

We work for Him, and sometimes (unfortunately) we work against Him.

He wants His body healthy, whole, and working.

We are the church. We are His body. He wants us healthy, whole, and working.

Dusty Collectables

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People collect stuff…

Happy Meal toys, Coke bottles and memorabilia, Precious Moments figurines, spoons from states, salt and pepper shakers, Beanie Babies, fingernail clippings, hubcaps, ticket stubs, Silly Bandz, coffee mugs, baseball cards, belt buckles (I’m pretty sure this list could go on and on).

I saw a program on TV once about a guy in England who collects stuff related to The Simpsons (cartoon). He had tens of thousands of items stored in his home. He actually ran out of room in his home and started filling his attic with Simpsons stuff.

It’s kind of a weird obsession—like an organized, focused version of Hoarders.

I asked my friends about collectables. Here’s what some of them said:

“Ugh—my mom loved collecting things. She even collected shopping bags (she was a little bit crazy).”

“My grandfather collected keys. I also had an uncle who bought out a shoe store and kept them in a spare house.”

“I had an aunt who collected lint from the dryer and cardboard tubes from empty toilet paper rolls. I think she had grand plans to use them in some future craft project.”

Odds are, you either collect something or know someone who has a collection.

Am I right?

Here’s the thing about collectables: they get dusty. They don’t really satisfy. We get them hoping to improve the quality of our lives—but there’s nothing we can do to improve theirs. They’re not alive. They’re just things.

I’m honestly not trying to bash on collecting.

I had a rock collection when I was a kid.

I have a small $2 bill collection now.

Here’s the point I am trying to make about collecting:

The focus of our lives should be more about doing good stuff than collecting stuff.

Remember Solomon?

For 20 years, he did lots of good stuff. Then, he took the next 20 years to collect stuff (actually, women).

When the focus of our lives becomes more about collecting than contributing, we get weird.

We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2.10 NLT)

The verse says, “so we can do the good things…” not “so we can collect lots of things.”

Making a difference, improving people’s lives, contributing, encouraging others, and being a blessing never gets old—and never attracts dust.

Collectables, on the other hand, always get dusty.

Do You Have a Cloud Cover?

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Some people have a cloud cover over their lives…

They’re clouded-in, unable to see beyond the immediate.

It’s almost as if you can see the haze that surrounds and constrains them.

In the Old Testament, during Israel’s journey through the desert to their Promised Land, God gave them a sign to indicate when they should camp and when they should advance.

The sign for waiting was a cloud hovering over the Tabernacle—and the sign for advancing was when the cloud lifted.

“Now whenever the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out on their journey… But if the cloud did not rise, they remained where they were until it lifted.” (Exodus 40:36-37)

“Whether the cloud stayed above the Tabernacle for two days, a month, or a year, the people of Israel stayed in camp and did not move on. But as soon as it lifted, they broke camp and moved on.” (Numbers 9:22)

Using this Old Testament example as an analogy: when we have a cloud cover—a thick, dark haze over our lives—we cannot advance… but when the clouds lift, we are able to move forward.

The writer of Ecclesiastes also used the “cloud” analogy: “Throughout their lives, they live under a cloud—frustrated, discouraged, and angry.” (Ecclesiastes 5:17).

So many people are clouded-in with past hurts and failures, insecurity, bitterness, fear, depression, and other negative emotions.

These clouds always hinder vision and progress.

Jesus didn’t save us so we could take 2 steps forward, and then get stuck for the rest of our lives!

I love what 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory… by the Spirit of the Lord.”

In other words, God’s plan for our lives includes a lifting of the veil—or the lifting of the thick, heavy, dark clouds that hover over us.

God transforms (changes) us to become more and more like Him… going from glory to glory, level to level.

He wants our vision to go to a whole notha level!

It’s time for the cloud cover to lift.

It’s time to see again.

It’s time to move forward, to advance.

Ask God to lift that cloud cover of (___you fill in the blank___) from your life and restore your vision today.

Keep That Book Open!

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The other day I wrote about Solomon…

His reign as king lasted 40 years.

The first 20 years were spent pursuing God-given vision.

During that time, he did a lot of good stuff (he designed, built, invented, wrote, and improved stuff).

Then he closed the “good stuff” book, dusted off his hands, and started writing another one.

Unfortunately, this new book wasn’t inspired by God-given vision—instead, it was fueled by personal appetite.

Over the next 20 years, he took 700 wives and 300 concubines.

Yikes dude!

I wonder if he felt entitled?

I wonder if he reasoned: “I’ve done so much for everyone else—now it’s time for me. I deserve this.”

Solomon’s next book was a sad story, a tragic tale.

He lost his way.

He closed the “good stuff” book and began writing the “serving himself” book.

I think the story of Solomon vividly illustrates why we need to keep that “good stuff” book open.

I never want to close that book!

I never want to be found dusting off my hands, getting started with my brand new book, Serving Myself.

I never want to reason: “I’ve done so much for everyone else—now it’s time for me. I deserve this.”

I never want to convince myself I’m entitled.

Speaking of entitlement, here’s a great quote: “The feeling of entitlement always gets me in trouble. No one owes me anything. I’m going to count my blessings instead.” —Shari Dolleman

We still have a lifetime of good stuff to do—a “good stuff” book to keep writing.

God planned it that way.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2.10 NLT)

There’s plenty of good stuff—good stuff that’s not yet done…

People we’ve not yet helped.

Goals we’ve not yet accomplished.

Masterpieces we’ve not yet created.

Improvements we’ve not yet made.

Lives we’ve not yet blessed.

So, keep that book open!

Good Stuff, Not Yet Done

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Picture your ideal self.

Not who you are right now—but who you could be, who you should be, who you would be…

What is your ideal self creating?

What is your ideal self accomplishing?

Who is your ideal self helping?

What kind of a difference is your ideal self making?

What’s the legacy your ideal self is leaving?


Did you have some thoughts, answers or ideas that came to mind?

If you did, those answers might actually be God-given dreams for your life.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2.10 NLT)

The Message Bible says, “He creates us—to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do…”

This is exciting—God has good stuff planned for us to do!

Good stuff, not yet done…

People we’ve not yet helped.

Goals we’ve not yet accomplished.

Masterpieces we’ve not yet created.

Improvements we’ve not yet made.

Lives we’ve not yet blessed.

In you—there is a dream, a vision, a thought, an idea—the seed of some good stuff…

Good stuff, not yet done.

My prayer is that there will always be a clear sense of purpose compelling us forward…

Good stuff, not yet done.

Rather than going through life with the “coulda, shoulda, woulda” mentality, let’s live with the “I can, I will, I am” mentality…

Good stuff, not yet done.