Today’s post comes from the blog of one of my friends, Danielle Beaudry. She’s part of the leadership team at MorningStar Church in Yakima, WA. Check out her blog here.
Also, follow Danielle on Twitter – you’ll be glad you did.
Will You Take A Chance?
It takes work to love someone through their mess and into the arms of Jesus.
But somebody has to do it.
Romans 10:14-15 (NLT): “But how can they call on him (Jesus) to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”
I like how the Message Translation puts it, ”…A sight to take your breath away! Grand processions of people telling all the good things of God!”
As believers, we’ve been equip and sent out into the world to affect people with the love of God (Matthew 28:18-20).
We were made to give others the opportunity to know Jesus and live for Him.
When I was in middle school, I was not the person you’d meet today.
I was rude, crude, cussed like a sailor, got into fights, attitude up the ying-yang, and all about doing whatever was “cool” at the time to gain the most friends.
I rarely smiled. Wore scandalous clothes. I always had a boy-toy, and was quick to back-stab anyone who crossed me.
If I threw a party that my friend’s boyfriend came to (for example), and he wanted to make-out behind her back, I wouldn’t hesitate. I also wouldn’t hesitate to get up in her face when she confronted me about it at school after the weekend, and grab my gangster friends who had my back to fight for me.
Yeah, I was that girl.
But in the eighth grade, there was this Christian I had to sit next to during science.
She didn’t cuss, she smiled all the time, wasn’t allowed to date and was…extremely weird.
But she took a chance on me.
For months she invited me to her youth ministry, and for months I had every excuse in the book. Finally, one week, I gave in. She had established enough of a relationship with me that, out of respect, I went with her.
That night, God grabbed ahold of my heart, changed my life, and I’ve never gone back.
What if that girl gave up on me after I said no the first time? After I cussed her out the first time? When I treated her like a freak-show for following Jesus?
What if she saw that I was “a lost cause” and didn’t dare to roll the dice on me?
Thank God this girl realized that Jesus took a chance on us when he came to earth and sacrificed His life. And that kind of out-of-control love was made to share.
Looking back at my story it makes me think, “How many times do I give up too easily, overlook someone with a hard exterior, and let opportunities pass me by?”
I mean really, would I have reached out to myself before I knew Jesus?!
What an amazing reminder.
People need you.
People need you to take a stand and really live what you preach.
People need you to open your mouth and actually share how God’s changed your life, and that God’s forgiveness and abundant life is available to them.
Don’t pass the buck.
Don’t leave the job to someone whose been saved longer, is older than you, more outgoing, more qualified, etc.
Extend grace. Share the Good News. Love someone through their mess.
I’m a product of that kind of boldness.
Love the “before-Jesus” people out there.
Take a chance.