Today’s guest post is by Andy Jones (I like to call him Andy Jones Live), He writes and podcasts regularly on his blog.
Take the Initiative…
“It is not good for the man to be alone.”
God himself said it and yet many of us live as if it’s a good idea.
We isolate ourselves for countless reasons:
- Personal preference
- Insecurity
- Exclusivity
- Social anxiety
- & many other good reasons
The bottom line is God designed as relational beings.
My brother Jeff has been living on his own in Stockton, CA for last year and half and will confirm the need for human connection.
It was difficult for him to move away from the family that loved, cared for and raised him for his first 26 years of life.
He was on his own in a new place.
What Jeff had to realize is something I see throughout scripture as a pattern when it comes to cultivating relationships.
Jeff had to become the initiator.
If he wanted to make new friends and connections he would have to put himself in a position for it to happen.
In short, people from Stockton, CA were not lining up at Jeff’s door to become friends with him.
He had to go find them.
He went to church.
He joined a life group.
He volunteered to serve.
He showed up at the church office and made himself useful.
Quite honestly, I’m sure Jeff was a little uncomfortable with this but it had to be done if new relationships were going to happen.
One night in particular I remember calling Jeff; he mentioned he was driving 30 minutes out of his way to go play video games with a friend he had recently made.
Jeff could have stayed at home, but the need for relationship caused him to get in his car and drive.
No offense to my brother or anything but things were different for Jesus.
He was a popular guy.
Healing diseases, making the lame walk and raising the dead to life will make you well known.
When it came to the people that Jesus chose to be in community with He was the initiator.
He called out unlikely people to be his closest friends and companions.
One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living.
Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me.” (Matthew 4.18-19, NLT)
A little farther up the shore Jesus saw Zebedee’s sons, James and John, in a boat repairing their nets. He called them at once, and they also followed him. (Mark 1.16-20, NLT)
The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Come, follow me.” (John 1.43, NLT)
Jesus takes the initiative when it comes to relationships and so should we.
If you’re having trouble making connections and would like to get build better relationships here are a few tips:
- Be the friend you’d like to have
- Throw a party & invite lots of people (for no good reason)
- Slow down, take time to hang with people
- Be inclusive
- Encourage others (people should feel better after being around you)
Take the initiative.
I’m available if you’re serving steak.