We live in a land of excess and we have more than enough.
We shop at Costco. Hello!
Much of what we have will go unused.
Whenever I throw a dinner party, I always prepare too much food—and you know what that means… leftovers.
It seems like leftovers inevitably get tossed.
In our culture, there’s a lot of waste.
Reading John chapter 12, we see Jesus and his disciples attending a dinner party.
It was at Lazarus’ house (the guy Jesus raised from the dead).
Lazarus’ sisters, Mary and Martha, were there.
Martha prepared a big spread of enchiladas, chips, fresh salsa, and guacamole (I imagine).
And then… Mary comes in the room with a jar of expensive perfume—aromatic oils.
She knelt down at Jesus’ feet and poured out the oil, then wiped it up with her hair.
The fragrance filled the house.
One of the disciples, Judas, got all up in arms about this act of extravagance.
He said the oil was wasted.
“Why wasn’t this oil sold and the money given to the poor? It would have easily brought three hundred silver pieces.” (John 12.4 MSG)
The Bible explains that Judas didn’t actually care about the poor. He was the treasurer—in charge of the funds, and he embezzled them. He was a thief. His angry response was fueled by greed, not generosity.
Jesus responded to Judas’ outburst by saying, “Let her alone. She’s anticipating and honoring the day of my burial. You will always have the poor with you. You don’t always have me.” (John 12.7, 8 MSG)
According to Jesus, the expensive aromatic oil wasn’t wasted.
Mary’s act of extravagance was about worshiping Jesus.
It was all about “anticipating and honoring…”
And it wasn’t wasted.
When you worship—when you anticipate and honor Him, it’s never a waste.
You might be the only one doing it.
It might cost you something…
But it’s not a waste.
So, go for it—really dig in.
Anticipate and honor Him.
Be an extravagant worshiper of Jesus.