Posts Tagged: "andy jones"

I Wouldn’t Even Mind If You Read These Three Posts (They’re Not Mine)

I wouldn’t even mind if you read these three posts (they’re not mind). Actually, I’d love for you to read them. And I kinda think you will love reading them. Um, what are you waiting for???!!?!


benjamin coreyThis post, A Few Things I’ve Learned As A Christian Outsider, by Benjamin Corey. Here’s a brief sample: “Theological labels have a way of making us crazy– we allow them to define us, give us identity, give our lives meaning, and all kind of other things that ultimately take the place I’ve learned only Jesus can fill.”

Filling All The Spaces With Noise

Hold, hold your tongue now. And let them all listen to your silence. —The Ting Tings, Silence

We are addicted to filling all the spaces with noise.

And when I say “we,” I mean us Charismatic Christians. That includes Pentecostals (who are the worst about this).

Please don’t think I’m writing this to throw someone else under the bus. If anything, I’m throwing myself under the bus. I am both a Charismatic and a Pentecostal (although I prefer the Charismatic label, and would like to add a couple descriptors like “gangsta” and “who loves Catholics”). I am constantly working to fill all the spaces with noise – background music, words, videos, more words, and more music.

In a conversation with Andy Jones about Sunday’s service at NWLife, he said,

“This could be taken the wrong way, but my favorite part of the baby dedication was when you guys were all done saying stuff and just stood there for a while holding and looking at Zoey.”

Funny how his favorite part was the one without any noise.

Maybe we need less cacophony and more opportunities to, as Depeche Mode… Read More

Sundays Are For Sharing

I read some great stuff on a few of my favorite websites / blogs this week – and since Sundays are for sharing, I’m passing them on to you…


donald miller post problem with bw thinkingThis post, “The Problem With Black & White Thinking” by Donald Miller. I really love this part:

“Black-and-white thinking is attractive because it’s reductionistic; it simplifies everything so we don’t really have to comprehend. It allows us to feel intelligent without understanding, and once we are intelligent, we feel superior. People who don’t agree with us are just dumb.”

His 4 tips for not thinking in black and white are… Read More