Post-Apocalypse Fun & Free Friday!
Hey, it looks like we made it past the Mayan calendar. I guess we’ll have to pay our bills, do our chores, keep working, and buy some Christmas presents. It’s Friday, so here’s some post-apocalypse fun and free stuff for ya…
#1. FREE NWLife TUMBLER—designed by me.
This limited edition, cylinder-style cold beverage tumbler features the new NWLife logo. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you one (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment).
#2. FREE BOOK—Love Does by Bob Goff.
This is currently (still) my favorite book. I love the stories, adventure, & challenge to love God & do stuff. Be the first one to comment on this blog post & I’ll send you a copy (scroll down to the bottom of this page to comment). Also—follow Bob Goff on Twitter. You’ll be glad you did.
#3. VIDEO—What Did Miss Venezuela Say?
I missed this year’s Miss Universe contest, but I did catch this video. Also, I understand she (Miss Venezuela) took 3rd place in the contest.

Nothing better than breakdancing sped up & slowed down…

Prolly the last one this guy ever does.

This isn’t how we did it on the playground.

A Capella group sings Christmas carols in a BMW on a race track.

#8. VIDEO—Jimmy Fallon Sings Jingle Bells as Bob Dylan.

See you next Friday for more fun & free stuff!
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