Posts Tagged: "Gentle"

NWLife Weekly Conversation – In This Together

- - Life With God, Video

He has shown you what is good and told you what he requires of you: To act with justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. —Micah 6.8

For the next so many weeks, as we suspend having in-person services during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be offering a weekly conversation in the form of a video podcast.

This first one is a conversation between… Read More

Lent Day 3… Hardness & Strength Are Death’s Companions

 I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart. —Ezekiel 11.19

The picture above is from our recent youth winter camp. I was standing outside the meeting room at Suncadia Lodge, taking pictures of the students as I waited for the service to begin. There was a group of girls circled up, holding hands, and praying. I thought it was sweet—and I took a picture.

After the camp, I asked Bailey (the youth leader whose back is toward us in the picture) some questions about this little prayer circle: Were all the leaders given instructions to do this? Was this the only time you prayed with the girls? Bailey told me it was just her idea… and that she prayed with them like this before each service.

Now I love the picture even more. It represents such tenderness—a genuinely soft and responsive heart.

I had the privilege of… Read More