Guest Post: Ashah Dolleman “A Little Reminder To Be Fearless”

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When we encounter situations that put us down or make us think, “I’ll never be able to do that,” think about Daniel’s friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

My dad has been doing a series from the book of Daniel, on being fearless or fearing less. This has been a helpful reminder for me to think about when I don’t know what to do.

Psalm 21.7 (MSG) says…
With Him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing.

I recently went to Hawaii and had the chance to go snorkeling. At first I was excited, but soon got really scared when I found out there was jellyfish infested water where we were going snorkeling. My mom and cousin weren’t scared one bit, which made me think that they were crazy, but after some time being in the water, I forgot about the whole jellyfish thing.

You see, my situation wasn’t anything like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s. I needed a little reminder to be fearless.

Daniel’s friends didn’t back down when the king told them to bow down to the idol he had made. They could’ve ran away and never come back. They could’ve just went with the flow and bowed down to the idol, but they didn’t. They were fearless!

Here is a great verse that can help you be reminded to be fearless…
God is there, ready to help; I’m fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me? Hebrews 13.6 (MSG)

We all need to be fearless people!


I am a husband, father, pastor, leader & reader. I love God, love people & love life.

11 Comments to Guest Post: Ashah Dolleman “A Little Reminder To Be Fearless”

  1. Jeremy Johnson

    Thank you Asha. This is a great lesson! I like your illustration – and it will help me today. Keep writing!!! It makes a difference.

  2. Ashah- You make me smile. Proud of you for being so eager to do this. You are a great writer and it blesses me to know you’re hearing daddy’s message and applying it to your life. Super love you!

  3. Ashah, what a great message for all of us. I will carry that with me and think of your words when I am feeling helpless and paralyzed with fear!

  4. Adrian Duarte

    This is a great reminder also to put what we learn into practice. Very practical. This will help me to practice these principles each day. Thank you for sharing

  5. I wonder why whenever I admit to being crazy everybody says yes and nods so fast i’m surprised they don’t get whiplash.

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